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The lunar phase cycle from a full moon to new moon and back again is called a lunation.

However, the moon has an elliptical orbit and is sometimes closer to the earth than at other times. A full moon when it is close to the earth looks bigger than a full moon when it is farthest away. It takes 14 lunations for the pattern of full moons to go from a big full moon (closest to earth) to a small full moon (farthest away) and back again. The 14 lunations are called a full moon cycle.

If you wish to consider lunar eclipses then 16 full moon cycles make up a saros. About 40 lunar eclipses occur during a saros and eclipses which occur 1 saros apart are very similar.

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What do you call the length of time for the pattern of the moon?

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The pattern of the moon phases repeats exactly every 29.5 days!

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Yes. They repeat and repeat and repeat. Whatever shape the moon appears right now, it will display the same shape again in 29.531 days from now.

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Simple, go to Repeat as necessary