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It's called a caddy, a tea ball, or an infuser.

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9mo ago

Caddy, tea bag or an infuser

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Q: What do you call the thing you put tea leaves in?
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How do you turn tea leaves into tea?

you crush them then put them into a thing that has holes (i bought mine) and put it inside.. then dip it in hot water :)

What does tea contains?

it depends what type of tea..... white tea is made from tea leaves

Can you eat the green tea Lipton?

simply put; yes. green tea leaves are edible and good for you.

What is considered black?

Tea drank without milk or cream.Did you know:The Chinese call black tea "red" because the tea liquid is red, while the British call it "black" after the tea leaves themselves.

Are kettles and teapots the same thing?

No, kettles are what you put on the stove and put water in and heat it up. When the water is done, it usually whistles. Teapots are for putting hot water and tea bags or tea leaves in, that way you don't have to heat up more water every time you want more tea.

What separating method can be used to separate tea leaves from tea?

put both of them into water

How can you separate tea from tea leaves?

Tea is literally fragmented tea leaves. In other words, you don't.

What leaves is tea made from?

Tea leaves (Camelia Sinensis).

What is the name of the thing we put under tea cups?


What is the base ingredient of green tea?

The basic ingredient of green tea is the same as the basic ingredient of normal ("black") tea: tea leaves, that is, the leaves from the tea shrub. In the case of black tea, the leaves are fermented; green tea is unfermented, or fermented less. But the leaves are the same.

What is the difference between an English tea strainer and a regular tea strainer?

A tea strainer is used to catch tea leaves when pouring. There isn't a difference between an English tea strainer and a regular one, they are the same thing.

Is tea living thing or a non living thing?

A tea plant grows, respires (breathes), reproduces, responds to its environment e.g. photosynthesing in sunlight, etc The dried out bits of tea plant leaves we use to make tea drinks do none of these things. They are dead, not living.