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Q: What do you call those people that turn fossil fuels into fuel?
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Why do some people call it buried sunshine?

fossil fuelsI assume you are talking about fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). You can call these buried sunshine since the energy in fossil fuels comes from decaying plants and microorganisms. Those plants and microorganisms got their energy originally from the sun. So all the energy in fossil fuels originally came from the sun.

Why do people call fossile fuels finite?

Finite, the opposite of infinite, refers to something that has an end or will end. The universe is infinite, whereas fossil fuels will someday be exhausted, and we can't make more.

Was water used as fuels?

yes some people still use them today and it is call water gas!! this is important because we are not going to have fossil fuels forever so there will be a point when we use renewable sources.

Where are fossil fuels mainly used?

fossil fuels are mainly used in power plants to create energy some of these fossil fuels could be coal etc. Fossil fuels burnt make 2 different gasses witch rise and make rain witch is call acid rain . Witch can damage wildlife and other things. The truth is that fossil fuels are mainly used to feed thing that are destined to become fossils. Anything else is a myth as oil is abiotic.

How do plants and animals store energy found in fossil fuels?

Plants and animals both store energy found in fossil fuels by going threw a system call cell fertilization thru out their life.

What is wrong with fossil fuels?

Fossil fuel is so much a part of our life that it is hard to call it "wrong" but there should not be wasteful usage of these fuels. The primary fossil fuels are oil, gas and coal.The earth contains a limited quantity of these fuels. Many of the deposits of these fuels we will never be able to tap because they are too remote, small or expensive to recover. Offshore deposits of oil may lie in water too deep to make commercial discoveries.As we use fossil fuels, we are forced to explore more remote parts of the world to find more fossil fuels. As a result the cost of fossil fuels increases.We obtain energy from fossil fuels by burning them, and the products from combustion can contaminate the air. There is a greenhouse effect from this combustion which contributes to global warming. Combustion of gasoline in our cars releases a number of pollutants that can be harmful to our health, particularly in cities. In addition, acid rain can harm our forests.I have included 3 related links, but you can find much more information on the internet on future challenges of fossil fuel use.

Which biogeochemical cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels?

Carbon Cycleor if you want to call it the Carbon/ Oxygen Cycle

Why you call fossil fuel non renewable?

Because fossil fuels take hundreds of millions of years to form (they are made from ancient plants and animals) and thus can not be renewed (replenished) in human timescales.

What is coaling?

coal is a kind of rock that people call it the black diamond.

Why is uranium used instead of other fossil fuels?

Uranium is used moreso because it is in fact NOT a fossil fuel. It is a heavy metal mined from an ore, and it's energy process is call nuclear fission.

What is the name for the type of energy formed in fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are stores of chemical energy. The chemicals are various hydrocarbons. The original source of the energy locked in these chemicals is Sunlight. The fuel formed from the remains of plankton that were buried beneath the Earth millions of years ago. Geothermal processes converted the remains of living creatures to the hydrocarbons that we now call fossil fuels. Fossils do not make energy. Fossils are usually from larger animals and plants, but the term fossil fuel is one of common usage.

If fossil fuels are still forming why are they considered to be a nonrenewable resource?

Well, they are technically still forming, but fossil fuels form over millions of years. We call it non-renewable because there is no way for us to form more of it ourselves in our lifetimes. If we use it all up, it is gone, and we won't be alive when another big supply of it would be available.