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Q: What do you chemically comb that creates glucose?
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Is glucose present in starch?

Yes. Starch is composed of glucose molecules chemically bonded to one another.

When fructose and glucose are bound together what is the result?

Glucose and fructose chemically combine to form the disaccharide sucrose.

Does photosynthesis breaks down glucose?

No, photosynthesis is the plant process that creates the glucose for the plants as food.

The process of photosynthesis creates oxygen and what sugar?


Double sugar formed from the combination of two simple sugars?

Sucrose, which is table sugar, is a disaccharide composed of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose chemically combined. Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose monosaccharides chemically combined.

Which 2 monsaccharides are chemically combined to make sucrose?

Sucrose is formed by glucose and fructose.

Is aerobic respiration similar to burning glucose?

Yes, excluding enzymes, cofactors, and coenzymes, combustion of glucose and aerobic respiration of glucose are the same thing chemically speaking.

Definition of Chemically defined media?

Chemically Composition is known & made with synthetic inorganic chemical substances.. Eg:- Glucose Broth, Inorganic Synthetic Broth

Photosynthesis creates what?

Glucose is the main product. Oxygen forms as a by product

How does dietar fiber differ chemically from starch?

Fibers are made up of cellulose consisting of beta glucose molecules.Starch is made up of alpha glucose molecules.

What is meant by saying glucose molecules are the building blocks of carbohydrates?

The complex carbohydrates (cellulose, starch, and glycogen) are polysaccharides composed of chemically bonded glucose molecules.

Why do you add acid to water but not water to acid?

Chemically, it creates an exothermic reaction and can be quite dangerous.