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Are you desperate for drama!? Gosh don't think you're gonna get another guy like this you don't dump him for loving you and telling you the truth! And he is begging for you back when he didn't do anything wrong but try to make his girl happy don't take advantage of these relationships feel lucky you even got someone who loves you get back together with him and apologize!



you're right why would you break up with someone who loves you? did you feel uncomfortable? If you don't feel uncomfortable, then get back with them!



I'm sure you have more then that reason but if you aren't happy with the way the relationship is going and you've tried to fix it then sit him down and tell him it's over. Don't give him any hope like "we can still be friends" or "it's not you it's me". Just tell him you aren't happy and there is nothing he can do to fix it. The other option that is more extreme is to tell him to leave you alone or you'll get a restraining order.


Bankaibuddy15 (A DUDE)

If you feel uncomfortable, that's no reason to end the relationship AFTERALL! Although you should try to talk this out with him and reach a mutual understanding. Tell him what it is you dislike and give him a chance to voice his feelings as well (although from the looks of it, he's already done that.) Like seriously, reach an agreement, one that you can both live with. If in the end he has to go, then he has to go. If through the course of your discussion you find that you might like to take him back, then go for it, but make it clear what you will and will NOT accept, and so on and so fourth. Things could go either way, but they'll only go the RIGHT way if you both discuss the issue and are completely honest with each other.

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Q: What do you do if the boyfriend you broke up with for being clingy and saying i love you too soon wont leave you alone and wants to get back together saying he would do absolutely anything?
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