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There does not seem to be any reason why you could not go right at any point in the game, unless there is a program glitch.

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Q: What do you do if you can't continue right on back lot island?
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assuming this is phantom hourglass... go to the island on the top right hand corner of the map and find the ghost that will open up the passageway to that island. to do this you need to dig in the right spot (sorry I cant remember where but there are hints on the island)

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it must be a glitch. sign off and then log back on and try again. hope this works ! :]

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you cant. you have to go to fuchsia city and surf wouth then west and you will get to seafoam islands. That's not true, ju can just surf to the right and you'll get to seafoam island.

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you cant

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Use fly to get to pallet town or go south from fuchsia city keep going until you reach a cave go through the cave and continue west to reach cinnibar island.

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you cant