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If its like a bubble on your arm you were probably bit by a gnat or mosquito. If your whole arm is swollen you could have an allergic reaction or a bee or wasp stung you so you should see a doctor

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Q: What do you do if you got stung and your arm is red and still swelling up after 16 hours?
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How long will the swelling stay in the hand after arm was broken?

This depends on many factors. The swelling is due to the tissue of the arm being damaged. It is possible to break the arm and not do enough damage to the muscles and skin to have any swelling, but it isn't likely. The length of time is also variable and could be anything from a day to several days.

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Right arm swelling and numbness can mean a great variety of things. This can signify a pretty bad neurological problem.

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What are the symptoms of a fracture in the upper and lower arm?

severe pain and swelling.

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swelling ,pain,anddifficulty moving fingers

Yesterday i hit my thumb off my friends arm playing catch. minutes after it started to throb and became swollen. 24 hours later it still hurts and i can hardly bend it or it kills. What should i do?

See a Dr. Could be a sprain or strain. Make sure to ice it to reduce swelling.

What sling would you use if you a burn on your arm?

You would for sure on the lower arm to keep the arm raised to minimize swelling and pain. It will have no affect for the upper arm (above the elbow).

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sometimes swelling constant hurting or throbbing and hard to do serious work with the arm mentioned

Does cancer present as a swelling under the arm pit?

The most likely cancer that would present as a mass in the arm pit is breast cancer. This is due to lymph node swelling, as a result of breast cancer that has metastasized to lymph nodes in the "tail" of the breast tissue in and near the arm pit.However, before becoming overly concerned about a swelling in the arm pit, check with your physician first. There are many more benign causes than malignant causes.

Is it normal when your arm swells up after an iv was removed?

Swelling at the location of vaccination is completely normal and nothing to worry about. The swelling should go away in about a day. If, however, the swelling increases, and you experience fever or difficulty breathing, you should contact your doctor, since this could indicate an allergic reaction to a component of the vaccine. Vaccination is a procedure given to develop immunity. Vaccination can be active or passive; attenuated or subunits. When vaccine is give it elicits immune response which is observed as swelling.

What is the difference between an arm sling and an elevation sling?

An arm sling usually just support the arm in a neutral posisition , while an elevation sling supports the arm and keep it elevated above the heart leve to reduce swelling and pain. You would also yse them for different things, an arm sling for fractures to the lower arm or wrist and an elevation sling for fractures to the collarbone upper arm or fingers.