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You should remain the same for long. There are very less couples which could manage both at the same time.

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Q: What do you do if you love someone and are good friends with at the same time?
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If you love someone you have to go to him and tell him how you feel about him. You don't have to be afraid of someone because is your future and if he feels the same about you, he will tell you.

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It is, if you are in love with someone of the same sex.

If you love someone will they ever feel the same way?

if you love someone tell them and ask if they feel the same if they ignore you just smile to them and wait keep trying and do your best GOOD LUCK!!!!

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i have the same problem with naming books how about Tough Love, How much does Love mean, Love or Revenge How about "Love Bites" - sassypuppy

How do you completely get over someone you love when they do not feel the same way and fall in love with someone else?

Love can hurt especially when you love someone that doesn't love you back, but it often happens to people at least once in their lives. Losing someone to a break up is much the same as grieving for someone who has passed away because you are left with good memories, but the person is no longer there. Time is the healer and everyone is different as to when they can heal over the break up and get on with their lives. You would be wise to start getting out with friends and try to have fun so you open yourself up to meeting that right someone that should be in your life.

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he is in love with her as a friend there is nothing else going on between them other than acting in the same movies, and being good friends.

You really like this guy and you have been really good friends for a long time but your affraid if he knows how you feel he wont want to be your friend should you tell him?

Being a guy, I love honesty. If you like a guy, be cool and tell him how you feel, If he likes you the same way then you are both happy. Letting someone know the truth should never ever ruin a friendship and If you are both as good friends as you say, if he isn't interested in you the same way, you should still be good friends. Good luck!

How do you feel about steady dating?

I think it's a good idea if you're with someone that you really love and they feel the same about you.

How can you get someone to fall in love with you?

Falling in love is such a mutual, reciprocal, action that one person cannot make it happen. You do have the power to keep an open heart, to be a good friend to your friends, mind your health, stop waiting to meet someone and make your life interesting to you and do what you must to become independently solvent in your money matters. Finally, if someone does fall in love with you, treat them gently. If you do not feel the same, send them on, no matter how inconvenient it is for you. Do not settle for something your heart is not into.

What do you do when you love someone but at the same time you have crush?

Well love and crush are 2 different things if you love someone then your heart belongs to them if you have a crush on someone then you like them and they make you laugh so if i were you and i loveed someone but at the same time i had a crush on someone i would choose the person i love .

Can someone love you and another?

Absolutely. There is no rule stating that someone can only love one person at a time.They can love their parents, children, friends... themselves... and the latter is usually what it really is when they tell you they love you (and now I mean romantic involvement) and another at the same time. Of course they can do that. But are you really willing to sell yourself that cheap?

Why teenagers love to find someone from their style?

Teenagers tend to enjoy hanging around people who either have the same style or have the same interests as them. This is because it gives them something to talk about and something to do together.For example two guys who love football end up being good friends because they can talk about football together and play football together.