

What do you do if you male betta is eating the babies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Take the male out but leave the female if you have.

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Q: What do you do if you male betta is eating the babies?
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Do male betta's have babies?

Male Betta's do not have babies. The female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes them and then takes care of them in a "bubble nest" that he builds until they hatch.

Do male betta's eat their live babies?


Can a male betta male have babies without a female?

Hmm, intresting. Of all my time of breeding bettas for fun, I never had a male betta which has a baby on its own.

Can a mother betta fish fertilize her babies herself?

No. A male Betta is needed to spawn out the female and fertilise her eggs.

Can a female betta fish live with her babies?

No, the male should be kept with the babies. Once the babies are adults, the mother can live with the females.

What does it mean when your male betta fish flares up its gills at a female betta fish?

It is courtship but be careful during the mating the male will kill the female then the male will make a bubble nest. When the babies hatch be shure to separate the babies or they will eat each other hope this helps

Does a betta fish have a parent involved in its up-bring and if so how long?

Yes, a male betta will build a bubble nest at the top of the tank. When the female releases her eggs he will place them in the bubbles. Once they are born the male will take care of the babies for the 1st week of their life until they are able to swim on their own. Then he will begin eating them.

Can a female betta fertilize her eggs without the male betta?

no. the male betta just cares for the eggs. the male betta does somthing to the female called an embrace, he basicly hugs the eggs out of her than he kills the female or his just fights with her until she leaves him alone. then he cares for the eggs until hatching.

Why does your male betta fish chase your female betta fish after she has had babies?

The male will protect, tend, and clean the eggs after they have been laid. It's best to remove the female right after mating and the male after the babies are free swimming (3 or so days). The female will die if she is left in there and you could risk loosing your babies. Also after the baby's have hatched remove them from harm of the female or male. They will both tend to eat the fry's, or baby's.

What should you do if your pet mouse is eating her babies?

Is the male still in the cage with them? She will go right into heat again if there are no babies...lose the male!

If your betta fish has babies will the male betta fish eat them?

yes after mating a female will be tired and hungry and if the male does not run her away she may eat the eggs for energy.

When do you put the female and male Crown Tail Betta fish together to have babies?

You put them together when the female is full of eggs, and when the male builds a bubble nest.