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Q: What do you do if your black and you're suffering from hair loss?
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Is the Duke of Cambridge almost bald?

No he still has hair but is suffering hair loss.

What can cause a woman to begin suffering from hair loss?

Women can begin suffering from hair loss due to genetics, sickness- such as cancer, chemotherapy, and other diseases that promote the loss of hair such as thyroid issues or autoimmune diseases. Female patterned hair loss connected to one's genetics is called alopecia.

Black currant for hair loss?

Black currant oil is a remedy for hair loss. The back currant oil has omega 3 fatty acids that help lessen a number of hair problems like the hair loss.

What is a wig specialist?

somebody who finds you the perfect wig, after suffering hair loss

How can one prevent hair loss with Biotin?

One can prevent hair loss with Biotin by applying Biotin at least twice a day on the section of the scalp or head that one detects is thinning or balding or suffering hair loss.

What is hair fixing?

Hair fixing refers to an instande when permanent bonds or extensions are added to one's natural hair. It is also common amongst those who are suffering from hair loss.

What do hair products do?

Toppik offers hair products for people who are suffering from hair loss. The Toppik products are actually tiny hair fibers that combine with your own hair to produce a full looking head of hair.

What type of hair is Nioxin meant for?

Nioxin is formulated for people who are suffering from thinning hair or hair loss. It is recommended that the person should talk to their hair stylist or dermintologist before using this product.

What hair products do Toppik offer?

Toppik offers hair products for people who are suffering from hair loss. The Toppik products are actually tiny hair fibers that combine with your own hair to produce a full looking head of hair.

What can be taken or used on the hair for hair loss?

If you are a man suffering alopecia or hair loss, the only known effective treatment is finasteride. Finasteride is effective in treating androgenic alopecia because it treats the condition at the source and not just on the scalp where the hair loss occurs. By preventing the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, it therefore prevents the formation of DHT.

Why is using biotin for hair a good idea?

Using biotin for hair is a good idea because it lets hair grow longer and healthier. This was scientifically proven. It is usually prescribed to people suffering hair loss and/or brittle hair.

Can wearing a baseball hat contribute to hair loss on your balls?

It has nothing to do with it, it is all in genetics. The answer is quite simply really, no wearing a baseball cap has nothing to do with hair loss. We think people are confused between cause and affect.