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Minoxidil and finasteride are only two products approved by FDA for male and female pattern hair loss. However, not everyone responds to these products. People who have alopecia areata do not respond to minoxidil and women who have androgenic hair loss have poor response with finasteride. Furthermore, these products need to be taken for at least 6 months before you see the benefits.

If you have tried these products and are not satisfied with the results, you can try a product that contains Chinese herbs extracts which can restrain and balance the sebum, nourish hair follicles, strengthen the hair root to make hair stronger and prevent hair loss. You can find such a product at the ebay.

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14y ago

When my hair hurts i take a ice on that spot and then for a few min i make it dry then i felt good you can do it to.

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Q: What do you do if your hair fell out and it now hurts in the spots where it fell out?
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