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you pay for more

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Q: What do you do if your membership expires and you want to be a membership again in fantage?
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Do you have to take your membership away on fantage or does it go away itself?

Well, If you want to cancel your membership you have to do that yourself, but if your membership runs out, fantage takes it away.

What happens when your membership pet is still equiped and your membership expires is it still on?

If you buy a member puffle and your membership expires, your puffles remain with you. Puffles and club penguin stamps are the only member items that remain with you when your membership expires. But as you know, if your puffle is equipped and you log off, you will not see the puffle equipped when you log on again. It will still be in your igloo though. So if you want to save your puffles from being taken away with your membership, you need not equip them.

How can you be a member for Fantage?

To be a member on Fantage really is to just buy the membership O_o There are no cheats to getting free membership, that's just illegal so if u want membership on fantage, buy "Ultimate Gamecard" (Rite Aid, 7 eleven, ETC.) or buy the fantage card..

Can you get membership on Fantage if you have 5000 stars?

No.If you want membership you can buy it or you have to get the Beta Crown,but it was long ago......='(

What is poko80 pass on fantage?

why would you want someone's password? Buy a membership.

Is Fantage free if you're not a premium member?

yes. but if you want a premium member you have to pay. but to just play fantage with no membership is free.

Who has a membership on Fantage who they don't want?

I don't think anyone would want to give their membership account away...If you need membership, go buy it or just download a hack engine

How do you get member items on Fantage for free?

Fantage is free to join. However if you want clothing, pets and other items, you have to buy an upgraded membership.

Does fantage give you a warning when your membership is close to running out?

No, it doesn't... But if you want to check go into membership, then manage account, and it should tell you how long you have left on your membership

Does it cost money to play on Fantage?

No, if you want to be a regular member. But if you want to have e coins and membership you need to pay.

Can I get free Fantage membership accounts?

Yes, but if you want to be a Premium Member, you must pay for that privilege.

How do you get a premine menbership on fantage?

First go to Home Page. Second click on Membership. Click on the membership that you want. Click on Checkout. Then you type in your username and password and then click on the type of payment you are using. After that, you get your membership.