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This is a much more complicated question then many might think. I actually have experience related to this topic not as a parent but as the son. As far back as I can remember I liked diapers and wanted to wear them. In Preschool i was in trouble numerous times for layering toilet paper in my under pants to simulate one. When my mother left her job, to start a home daycare so she could be home with me and my sibling, it meant that there were constantly diapers in the house and i would frequently go in the bathroom and lock the door and open the cupboard they were kept in and look at them and hold them. This happened from pretty much the day she started till she retired from that job. At around six or seven my mom found out what i was doing, I had unfolded a diaper and held it up to myself as if i was wearing it (they don't fold back up as well after they are opened). My mom confronted me about this and asked, "do you want to wear diapers again?" out of fear and embarrassment i quickly said no. Several year passed and I still had this longing to be diapered. Around the age of 12 i got caught again ID been trying to repress the desire for diapers for years and one day when i had the house to myself i stole some pull-ups from my moms supply. I leaned two things that day a pull-up really isn't designed for a 12 year old and never steal three when there were only 5 to start with. As you can guess mom noticed the discrepancy and confronted me. I've never really been able to lie to my mom the guilt kills me if i try so I admit what had happened. I wish I could say that her reaction was calm but it wasn't she called me a pervert and asked "do you wear my underwear when I'm not home?", this really hurt me I spent the rest of the day in my room crying and couldn't even look at her. I forced my self to repress these thoughts and desires as much as I could over the next seven years, though hearing a diaper commercial on TV made me wistful

At 19 I typed diaper into the search engine on my computer and found that there were many other people like me. Some of the sites were informative, such as http:/, others weren't and sadly you must walk almost a minefield to avoids the sites aimed towards illicit activities.

(On that note I must say that the vast majority of adults I know that want to or do wear diapers are vehemently against pedophilia. Many of the sites are 18+ only and will delete anyone underage trying to join and will report pedophilic activities to law enforcement.)

This was also the time when I was first coming out to myself that I preferred other guys to girls. I was raised the Homosexuality was evil and for the longest time had been extremely anti-gay. These two issues caused me to have a slight breakdown and I took my self to the hospital out of fear I would harm myself. The doctors tried to call my dad but he slept through the phone call and my mom was out of state on business I ended up calling my uncle and he came down and called got a hold of my dad also I came out to my uncle that night which was nerve wracking as my family is very conservative. The doctors had given me 1 mil haldol to calm me down and judged I wasn't a danger to myself or others and released me to my fathers care. After 2 days of haldol induced haze I sat down with my parents and discussed what was going on. I'm 25 now I buy diapers and wear them on occasion mostly at night and only in my room. My family knows and I don't force it on them. I hope my story will give who ever reads this some perspective from a side few people can understand.

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