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Talk to him about it- tell him you're hurt and that if he loves you he should tell you what is the matter instead of ignoring you.

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Q: What do you do in a messed up relationship with a guy who is almost boyfriend and best friend but now he ignores me all of the sudden?
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As her if there is anything wrong, or something you can help with. If she says no or ignores you then just mind your own business.

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Nothing. You respect yourself, your relationship, & your boyfriend.

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It means that you subconciously (or perhaps even conciously) wish to have a relationship with this person. It is almost certainly not prophetic, nor should it be interpreted that you two are meant to be together. Such interpretations are dangerous to your relationship with your friend and with your best friend's now ex-boyfriend.

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If your friend did that, they're not truly your friend. Of course you can be mad. But keep in mind that your relationship must not have been string enough to break that easily. It's not all your friend's fault, nor your boyfriend's. Maybe you and your boyfriend should have spent more time making your relationship stronger.

I have a boyfriend and my friend likes me?

This will depend on how you feel. If you want to stay with your boyfriend explain to your friend that you are in a relationship and you are not interested in him more than a friend. If you have feelings for your friend you will have to leave your boyfriend but don't jump into another relationship right away date and see how things go - but remember if you change your mind the odds are your boyfriend will not take you back so make your decision wisely. If you are just undecided and have feelings for both you should not be a relationship at all - you need to be single to take time and sort out your feelings and don't rush into a relationship with anyone.

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=I don't know, cheat=

What do you do when your friend slash almost boyfriend is being an a hole?

Tell him he's being an a hole and that it's upsetting you and you have no room in your life for people that upset you, friend or boyfriend.

What if your best friend like your boyfriend?

If she is truly your best friend, then you will have to trust her to keep her feelings in check and respect your relationship with YOUR boyfriend. Encourage her to meet other guys and go out.

What should I my boyfriend ignores me to talk to my best friend and pushes me away when he is with her and does not want to be with me unless she is there?

Your boyfriend's actions show that he is disrespectful of you; not committed to you and is more interested in your best friend. He obviously wants your best friend to think your relationship is not serious and he is free to date whomever he wants. No matter how young you are never let any young man treat you in this disrespectful manner. It is time you told him to his face you don't care for his attitude or the disrespectful way in which he treats you and to either stop what he is doing or you are breaking up with him. As long as your best friend is not instigating or flirting with him and hurting your feelings then keep the best friend and get rid of the boyfriend.

My best friend's ex-boyfriend and i like each other we want to start a relationship however my best friend still can't really let go the relationship what shall i do?

screw your friend