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Q: What do you do to make pulp dry faster?
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''Name the process that causes the pulp to dry completely?''

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to make it dry fast

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If you want to dry your plate faster use a clean cloth.

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You can sometimes make it dry faster by heating it,but generally not a good idea as this seems to weaken it also.

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to make pixo designs dry faster answer1. put them near a window or a fan. answer2. freeze them. answer3. blow dry them. have fun with your pixos.

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get a blow dryer and dry it cirlely around until dry

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You can use a hair drier set on low speed and low to medium heat to dry it faster.

How do you feed beet pulp?

Soak dry beet pulp %50 in %50 water for 10 - 15min.

Is newspaper pulp easier to compost?

The smaller the particles, the faster they break down. So, newpaper pulp would break down much faster than a whole sheet of newspaper.

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How do you make beet pulp for horses?

Beet pulp can be fed wet or dry. However it is usually best to feed it soaked as it allows the beet pulp to expand and helps to get water into the horse. Typically you would measure out how much you would like to feed, then soak it for a specific amount of time, drain it and feed it. There is an old myth that beet pulp will expand in the horses stomach and make it explode, but this simply is not true. However dry beet pulp can cause choke (not the same kind of choking in people though) and you'll need a vet out to clear the horses throat, so it is best to soak it.