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Q: What do you do when gums are pulling away from your teeth?
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How do you know if i have gum disease?

There are 7 signs of gum disease 1.Your gums bleed easily 2.Your gums are very red, tender or swollen 3.You can see pus in between your teeth and gums when they are pressed 4.Your gums seem to be pulling away from your teeth 5.You have chronic bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth 6.You notice a change in the way you bite or in the way your teeth fit together 7.Your teeth are loosing or they are separating

What happens to your teeth if you doesn't get a filling?

rot away and your gums bleed

Are the gums the soft area of the teeth?

The gums are the pink skin that the teeth are connected to.

Why are teeth and gums important?

teeth are important so you can chew food and gums hold your teeth in place.

Teeth receding from a permanent bridge making teeth loose?

Periodontal disease: Bacteria that lives in your mouth, sticks to the teeth and under the gums as dental plaque. This causes inflammation in the gums. If this happens for a long time, the gum and bone underneath recedes away.

Why did crest 3D whitening strips turn your gums white?

The peroxide is a chemical which bleaches the teeth as well as gums if it comes in contact with them. You are not supposed to put the strips on your gums, but it will go away within a day.

Do gums of adjacent teeth pulled sometimes pull away?

gums will only "pull away" from teeth if bacteria is present between the gingiva (gum) and tooth surface, or you are brushing too hard! If you havent been brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day, you should start before your teeth fall out!

Are teeth and jaws the same?

no they are not the same because the jaw is like your gums and your teeth hang from you gums

Are the gums on your teeth muscles?

No. The gums are made of mucus tissues.

The is the pink tissue that surrounds the teeth and covers the alveolar?

Gums are the pink tissue that surround the teeth and covers the alveolar. The function of the gums is to protect the teeth and support the mouth's structure.

What is extra teeth on the gums called as?

Supernumerary teeth.

What do teeth grow out of?

your gums