

What do you do when hail falls?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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13y ago

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When hail falls, you need to find shelter as soon possible.

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Q: What do you do when hail falls?
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Hail falls to the ground because of the force of?

When hail falls to the ground, it is because of the force of FRICTION!! :)

What is the word 'hail' when translated from English to Japanese?

Hail can have many meanings, such as "hailing" a taxi, "hail" that falls from the sky, "hail" as in "greet," etc. Though I'm not sure which context you're referring to, the hail that falls from the sky is 'arare.' "Hail" as in "Hail to the king!" is 'banzai.' "Hail" as in "greet" can be 'aisatsu suru.'

Does it hail in Maryland when it rains?

Yes, hail falls in Maryland, but not as often as in Oklahoma.

What is a homonym for hale?

The homonym for "hale" is "hail." "Hail" can refer to frozen rain that falls in pellets or an expression of greeting.

Is hail often found in Tornadoes?

No, hail doesn't fall in tornadoes, but it often falls near them.

WHERE is hail from?

Hail is frozen balls of ice that form when a drop of water falls from a cloud. It then freezes if the temperature is cold enough in the sky,then falls to the ground as a frozen lump. Hail has been known to be the size of a golf ball!!

When there is too much water in a thunderstorm cloud it falls as?

It falls as precipitation, such as rain, or hail.

What was ice crystals that falls from the sky?

It is called hail

When hail falls does it mean a tornado could come?

It can. Hail often does come before a tornado, but most storms that produce hail do not produce tornadoes.

What is snow sleet rain or hail that falls to earth?


What falls from a stratus cloud?

Typically hail and sleet. NOT RAIN.

When water falls from clouds what forms can take?

it can form into hail, snowflakes, can take the form of rain,snow,hail..