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Just act normal! Act like how it was before. Just be friends with him and see what happens from there, don't over react it just makes things more awkward.

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Q: What do you do when the boy you like knows you like him but it got awkward when he found out?
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If the boy you like walks really close to you does he like you?

Not necessarily. The boy may be comfortable in your company and so feels that he can walk beside you and near you because he knows you won't be awkward if he does. If you really want to know if he does like you then why not ask him.

What does it mean when a boy knows you like him but doesn't say anything?

He is probably too shy to say something! If he knows for sure and still flirts with you and talks to you, then he likes you too! Act normal and he will too. Remember that if it gets awkward, it's because one of you made it awkward, but that can always be redone by normal behavior.

You like a boy and he knows it-he ignores that fact-should you ask him why he doesn't like you?

Only if you enjoy being awkward and embarrassed at the same time. I agree with the first person who commented. Dont ask him just move on.

What do you do if you made out with your best friend that's a boy?

it will be awkward for a while, but just make sure that he knows how u feel, whether that be like him like him or just want to be friends. make sure he understands that and that u no how he feels to.

Is the boy in Martian child really from Mars?

no the boy just believes he is from Mars. The boy is also socially awkward. Uh. no! He believes he's from mars and he is most definitely not socially awkward. He is a boy with an imagination. How awkward is that?

Would a boy like it if you sang the song you wrote about him to him?

No, We don't like it. Because it would be awkward, since he has nothing in return.

How do you tell if a boy knows that you like him?

He stays away from you

What happens if your friends tells a boy that you like him?

Then he knows.

This boy you like knows you like him what should you do?

ask him out if your feeling brave

What does it mean a boy you likes says he knows you like him?

It means he knows you like him. It's how he comes across that matters.

What did William shakespeare like to do as a young boy?

Nobody knows.

What does it mean when a boy knows you like him stares at you and whispers to his friends about you?

It means he likes you back, or he knows you like him, so he tells his friend.