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Move on! This person is avoiding you, and shows not interest. Don't dwell on this. If the person is ignoring you, then they obvoiusly dont care about you enough, and they arent right for you. Choose some one that really cares for you.

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Q: What do you do when you like someone a lot but they show no interest and even seem to avoid you?
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What do you do when you like someone a lot but they show no more interest in you and even seems to avoid you?

just be urself theres many more ppl in the world

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It seems they may not be interested in you as you are them. Its best to let them be as to not bother them and focus your interest elsewhere.

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there are plenty of fish in the sea, don't waste your time on someone that has no interest in you.

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sometimes people avoid eye contact if they are mad at someone, if they don't like someone, or if they are scared of someone. P.S. Or maybe they are just stupid and crazy

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If someone is rude or thinks not so highly of you they are not worth your time. He obviously has no interest in you as you mentioned and there definitely is no reason to carry on - move forward and there will be someone else.

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Idon`t know maybe its someone unexpected like mr.krabs or someone as unexpected as that

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avoid her, so gradually you begin to like her less. not saying stop talking to her just hang out with her less.

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Being nice is a sign of interest in someone.

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It will be very apparent in the way they treat you or try to avoid you.