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This must be very hard for you. You must not put up with this disrespectful and nasty behaviour. Confront your son when he is calm, and tell him how much it hurts when he speaks to you this way, that you want it stop and you don't appreciate his behaviour at all. Having said that, make sure you praise him when he does good things and treats you kindly, and tell him how much you respect his actions when he behaves nicely. Make sure your tone of voice is serious, but not harsh and angry, speak nicely to him so he wont break a fight. Speak from the heart, and tell him his behaviour is unacceptable and make that point clear. You are his mother stand up for yourself! This must be a very confusing and difficult time for you, does your son do this regularly to you? Maybe hes going through a tough period during his life and cant help but rash out at you. Make sure you talk to him, and tell him how you feel, he might not realise hes hurting you that badly and offer to always be there for him if he needs to talk. If his actions do continue distance yourself from him and don't interact and talk with him anymore, this will allow him to see that you don't want to socialise with him when he treats you this way. No one deserves to be treated this way, and don't put up with it. Also try to talk to a trusted friend, relative or counsellor about your issue.

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