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Tell him you will call him in a month if you are still single.

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Q: What do you do when your boyfriend wants a little break to see where the relationship is going?
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What does it mean when your boyfriend says I dont know if or how to go on with our relationship?

It means that he is going to most likely break up with you. Just agree with him and break up with him first. besides there are a lot of guys out there.

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He has to make his relationship with the other sim go downhill untill break up appears, even going steady this can happen!

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a boyfriend is entitled to anything that he has given you during the relationship, or anything of his that is in your possesion from the last time you were together, however if it was a serious relationship, chances are, he's not going to rob you of those items, thus robbing you of your memories together

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If you are going to break up with him, why in the world would you give him a present? You're only leading him on and letting him think the relationship is going to last. You're playing with him and it would be cruel.

I want to get a tattoo to symbolize me and boyfriend's relationship?

Bad idea - if you break up, you're going to have some serious explaining to do with your next boyfriend. Get married first. The get tattoo rings to symbolize your marriage commitment.

Is your boyfriend going to break up with you?

talk to him.

How can you able to find your lover who has a boyfriend?

It is NEVER a good idea to go after a girl/boy who has a boyfriend/girlfriend do not try to break them up or she/he will hate you, especially if their relationship was going well. If you are so desperate wait until they have broken up, it's most likely going to happen, then go after her.

How do you know if your boyfriend is going to break up with you?

when he stop hanging around you

You are going out with someone but you are still in love with your ex who is also going out with someone what do you do?

Right well first of all think about it and think am i going to get hurt by my x should i risk this good relationship with my new boyfriend... but if your old boyfriend was better than the one your with now you should BREAK UP... be happy but think about long term and who would hurt you and break your heart... reply to this and tell me how both men are

What to do when your best friend is going to break up with her boyfriend?

Have her back in case she has a problem.

My boyfriend is going to break up with me what do I do?

let him and act like you don't mind

What to do when your boyfriend say you changed and it seem like he is going to break up with you but you don't want him to because you really love and don't want him to leave?

Ask him why he feels you have changed. If it is something you can sort it out then go for it. And may be you'll have to compromise a little if you really want to save your relationship. But in the end it'll be worthwhile.