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I hate to break it to you, but if it was a joint account, there is absolutly nothing you can do about it. The best thing for you to do is to keep your money in an account that she does not have access to. I am sorry to hear that such a crappy thing has happened to you, but there really is nothing you can do about it.

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Q: What do you do when your ex-wife took all the money from your joint bank account and put it on her own credit card?
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If the cardholder has an estate, the credit card company can pursue that. In practice they don't really do that. If the account is a joint account, the other account holder becomes wholly responsible for the debt. Otherwise the bank eats the money.

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Of course. That's the purpose of a "joint" account.

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It depends on the type of account - and the bank. If you're simply wanting the spouse to be able to spend money that's in the account - they can be added as an additional card holder. Alternatively - if you want the spouse to have equal control of the account (changing credit limits for example) - then it's better to have the account in joint names.

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Can legal order take money from a joint account?

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A joint bank account is just like any account. You can withdraw money by all means like ATM, Checks, Withdrawal through withdrawal slips in the bank etc. however, the only difference is the fact that either of the account holders of the joint account can do this and one party cannot restrict the other parties involved in the joint holding of the account from withdrawing funds from the account.