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well he has to prove that if he loves you. He would be with you and you only.

You cant trust everyone


Laster ^_^

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Q: What do you do when your ex is on the rebound but says he will always love you?
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What does it mean when an ex husband says love never dies?

When an ex-husband says 'love never dies', it usually means he still loves you, and always will love you, even if you don't love him.

What does it mean if your ex says he is always in love with you?

he would always like to know you no matter what happens

How to tell if your ex is on a rebound?

He's your ex. It's HIS problem, not yours. Look forward - not behind - and love will find you.

If an ex of 5years says he likes you as a person and is still physically attracted to you but hes with someone else does he still love you?

yes he loves you and is not lusting you...the other person is a complicated REBOUND!

What if someone says they love you and you are perfect for them but break up with you because of long distance even though they still love you And then get back with their ex were you a rebound?

yes that person is really dumb for braking up when they still love u. are you sure he/she REALLY loves you??

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Yuo are the rebound . If he still has feelings for his ex you are definatley the rebound .

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That means your in love with your ex and your using your current boyfriend as a rebound sadly but this is the truth follow your heart and go back to your ex where you belong...

If your girlfriend says i love you baby to an ex doesnt it mean she is still in love with him?

Saying you love your ex does not mean you are in love with him.

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It depends... Who do you love? I know you may have feelings for them both but there will always be someone you love more. Go with who you love.

Why do I love my ex's brother and I don't want to let him go but should I?

* You could well be on the rebound. If he likes you then go slow and easy, but keep sex out of it. Be sure that it's love for each other and not you being on the rebound and your exes brother is only after a one night stand. You are an ex of his brother and are free to date who you wish to date.

Is he cheating if after every argument he says i love you?

Yes he is cheating on you my ex-boyfriend Chad says I love you after every fight we had

If you left your ex husband a yr ago and found a new love is it still a rebound relationship?

I don't know if a year gone by can be considered a rebound, but it may have more to do with your feelings after the breakup. Rebound relationships are usually defined as dating someone while still bouncing back from losing another person. But you left your ex-husband, so chances are, a year later, you're not on the rebound anymore. But, of course, only you would know whether you were or not.