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One uses the fork, in the right hand (even though it is placed to the left of the dinner plate) (even if you are left handed--in the U.S.) to gently spear the food, although with peas and tiny rolling items you use the fork to collect them and gently guide them to your mouth. One never touches the teeth to the fork. The knife is supposedly used to cut food into bite sized pieces. But we all have had difficulty trying to cut meat with a dinner knife. It is in good manners to ask a server for a "sharp knife" or a "meat knife" or a "steak knife" when in a restaurant. One does NOT ask for a cutlery exchange in the home of a person to whom one is not related. Most especially not one's mother-in-law. When faced with a dull knife, one can only put some elbow grease into the act of cutting, which is supposed to appear effortless--but starving is frowned upon. Another answer is "gently." One uses all cutlery gently. If presented with a piece of cutlery one does not know how to use, one keeps his/her eye on the hostess to see what he or she should do.

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14y ago
  • When you have finished your meal you place the fork and knife across the plate. In a restaurant this lets the waiter or waitress know you are finished your meal. Of you are not finished your meal and have finished cutting with the knife, place the knife on the upper part of the plate and put your fork in your right hand and continue eating.
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* You do not use a spoon with a knife. If you are eating spaghetti it is appropriate to use a fork to pick up the spaghetti and then use a spoon and with a rotating motion roll the spaghetti around the fork (pressed against the spoon) and put it in your mouth. A knife is used to cuts things such as meat or larger vegetable and can be used to push peas or small vegetables towards the fork.

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All westernized countries outside of Asia do.