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Large amounts of water and cranberry juice is your best bet. But if the infection does not go away in a couple of days, see your doctor!

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Q: What do you drink or eat if you have a bladder infection?
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Is white Discharge after a bladder infection normal?

White discharge after a bladder infection has been treated with antibiotics can be a sign of a yeast infection. You can buy over-the-counter remedies for yeast infection, plus eat yogurt with active cultures in it, or drink acidophilus milk.

What is cloudy strong-smelling urine a symptom of?

most likely a urinary tract infection. (infection in the tubes and stuff that lead to your bladder) or an infection in your actual bladder. DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE! not so much caffeine. if you don't drink caffeine and still havea urinary tract infection go to the doctor. hope this helps. -Brittany

How can I perform bladder infection treatment myself?

The best course of action to treat a bladder infection is to drink plenty of clear fluids. It is important that you also consult a medical professional for accurate treatment of your symptoms.

Can you drink sprite while having a bladder infection?

Yes you can drink w/e you want as long as it agrees with the antibiotics which means no alcohol.

Could a bladder infection be a sign of pregnancy I dont drink soda I dont frink any caffeine to cause a bladder infection So could it mean Im pregnant Its not the only sypmtom I have I have several?

Can i DRINK SODA WHILE HAVING A BLADDER INFECTION A. WHO ever write that at the top is stupid . I had bladder infections when I was pregnant with both of my children so if you missed a period or if your period only lasted a shorter time than normal then you could be pregnant.

Can zithromax cause bladder infection?

Zithromax does not cause bladder infection.

What is the fastest way to get marjuania out of system?

Drink a lot of water and get either cranberry pills or bladder infection pills

Can a bladder infection in a man cause trichomonas?

A bladder infection won't cause trichomonas. Trich can cause symptoms similar to a bladder infection.

Where does a bladder infection come from?

A bladder infection often results due to bacteria present in urine traveling from the bladder through the urethra. The infection often is associated with a urinary tract infection.

How can bacteria get in the bladder and ureters?

It can get in from an infection in the bladder.

Can you take Penicilina-V for bladder infection?

can you use penicilina v for bladder infection

What causes bloody mucus in your urine accompanied by shooting pains and painful diarrhea?

You could have a bladder infection or UTI (same thing.) UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. If you suspect that it's a bladder infection, drink plenty of water or cranberry juice is recommended, and wear cotton underwear (females). You can go to the doctor where they will test your urine for bacteria and give you antibiotics if it is confirmed that you have a bladder infection.