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Zantac Maximum Strength 150.

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Q: What do you eat to protect your stomach before eating hot spicy food challenges?
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Related questions

Why does the stomach have a thick muscle wall?

The function of the stomach wall is to protect your stomach from eating itself. It has a coating of mucus on the inside that renews itself every three days and stops the hydrochloric acid in your stomach from dissolving itself.

Does your stomach need to growl in order for you to be hungry?

No, stomach growling is caused by the amounts of gases,air and contents of the stomach and intestines. Your stomach can growl soon after eating a small meal as well as before eating.

Is it best to take ferrous sulfate before meals?

It should be taken on an empty stomach (an hour or more before eating, or two hours after eating).

Can your stomach burst from over eating?

You will throw up before it happens but yes, it is possible

Why does the hepatic vein contain more glucose before eating?

After eating, glucose is greater in the hepatic portal vein than in the hepatic vein . Hepatic vein contain more glucose before eating, because the stomach is empty .

Why should we wash our hand before eat?

we shoud wash our hand before eating because the bacteria in our hand which got stuck before eating should be removed out otherwise there can be stomach pain or some serious diseases

Does ice shrink your stomach?

since eating alot of ice i notice my stomach has got bigger

How does the stomach protect it self from being digested?

a simple way of answering this question would be that the stomach creates it's own acid that almost makes a protective layer on the inside of the stomach. this stops bad germs and diseases that come in through food/water from eating away at the stomach.

Does blood rush to stomach after eating?

Yes. Blood rushes to your stomach after you eat so it can digest the food and absorb the nutrients. It is still everywhere in your body of course, but more is at the stomach than before.

Will eating walnuts or almonds thirty minutes before a meal trigger something in the brain that makes a person feel fuller?

Eating anything 30 minutes before a meal will help the stomach feel full.

What to do for a stomach ace?

You Get A Stomach Ace By Eating To Much Junkfood

Why does your stomach hurt when you eat to much?

The stomach will stretch beyond it's maximum capacity, but it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to register that it is full. If you keep eating, the stomach wall will stretch. When the wall of the stomach stretches, the nerves of the stomach wall stretch too. These nerves do not like being stretched, and will send messages to you in the form of pain, telling you to stop eating.