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Since this question is addressed specifically to you, no one else can answer it for you. You would have to think about it. If nothing about it is interesting to you right now, you could read about it until you did find something interesting.

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Q: What do you find interesting about the religion of Buddhism in a paragraph?
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What religion did Siddhartha Gautama find?

Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism .

You are writing a paragraph on a boy who separated from his father to find himself how would you write a topic sentence for that paragraph?

You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting! Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic. If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Where can you find information on popular Buddhist Symbols?

There are many places one can go to find information on popular Buddhist symbols. Some websites include Wikipedia, View on Buddhism, and Religion Facts.

How do you write an introductory paragraph about the park?

WikiAnswers will not do your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the related link to learn more about topic sentences. You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting! Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic. If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

Where in Asia do you find a blend of Buddhism and bon religious faiths?

In Tibet you can find both Buddhism and Bön.

How do you start a introduction for a paragraph that has to do with the invention of the telephone?

WikiAnswers will not do your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the related link to learn more about topic sentences. You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting! Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic. If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

Buddhism is an atheistic religion because it has no?

Buddhism contains many minor deities, but the philosophical aspect of it could be considered atheistic.AnswerBuddhism is a philosophy, AND it is an "inclusive" religion.Look to the origins of indigenous Asian Religions; Hindi, Confucianism, Buddhism: beginning, middle, end. You will find that they all 3 work together synonymously throughout the life time/age of an individual and that individuals need for understanding.Jainism (Hindi Origin) is Atheistic, not Buddhism.

Who are the followers of Buddhism?

The BuddhaAnswer:The processes in Buddhism are not so much the following of anyone as the effort to find one's own way. The Buddha is an example to us, he however is not necessary as we could reach the same goals of enlightenment by following the Eightfold Path on our own.

Did Zeno find Buddhism?


Where buddism started?

BC 557 one the Hindu prince started the Buddhism, but he was not the god, he just a man who want to know the truth. but he can't find the truth because he did not know about Jesus Christ. So he was found the wrong way and he taught the wrong theory his disciples , and then his disciples ( who believe in Buddhism ) they became a Devil. That's why the Buddhism is the wrong religion.

What religion gave birth to Buddhism?

Buddhism was formed as its own religion, just as Christianity was, though Buddhism has stayed "purer" than Christianity, instead of branching off into hundreds of smaller sects or cults (Catholic, Adventist, etc.). It originated from people hearing the words of a supposed holy man, and became disciples of his teachings. The majority of Buddhism is based entirely on the words and teachings of Gautama Siddhartha, who was later referred to as "The Enlightened", or more commonly, "The Buddha". You can actually find many similarities in the basic ideas and principles of Jesus and Siddhartha, even in how they lived their lives.