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The VA had a hot line for that subject at the turn of the 21st century (2000 or 2001); contact them again for an update.

In the meantime; DDT was outlawed years ago, probably when Kennedy was president. And, from all accounts, it was some damaging stuff. Agent Orange on the other hand, may still be controversial (that's why you have to contact the VA for the latest info).

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Q: What do you know about genetic effects of toxic chemicals such as Agent Orange and DDT?
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Toxic chemicals used to destroy jungle in vietnam?

The defoliant Agent Orange .

What are the possible effects of Asian orange on soldiers and their children?

Naturally (as with all chemicals) there is a long list of problems associated with "Agent Orange"; but cancer and diabetes seems to top the list. There is a website covering this subject, that has a more detailed list for you; see: Agent Orange

What were the effects of the chemicals in the Vietnam war?

Millions of veterans are dealing with the after effects of Agent Orange (called such because of the Orange band painted around the barrels). During the war, the Military color coded their ordnance: yellow meant explosive, red meant chemical, blue meant inert (training rounds), black was armor piercing. Those colors might be modified into other catagories.

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Both A and B Agent Orange Napalm

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Dead trees and toxic plates

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See Website: Agent Orange (which also covers agent's Blue, Purple, Pink and Green).

Is agent orange biodegradable?

Agent Orange is said to have very low biodegradability. This means that it takes more time for the substance to be destroyed through natural means. This can have adverse effects on the environment.

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See website: Chemical Warfare; Agent Orange specifically

What effects did the Vietnam war have on health?

Agent Orange and war wounds (shrapnel, burns, bullets, etc.).

Where was agent orange shipped from?

agent orange ws shipped from the US into US Bases in Vietnam then they put the agent orange onto the helicopters then they launch the helicopters to spray the agent orange

Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome linked to Agent Orange?

There is no evidence to link polycystic ovary syndrome to the defoliant chemicals, which became of concern primarily because they were contaminated by dioxins, and therefore were environmentally toxic. Agent Orange was used primarily during the Vietnam War.