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The principle that the electric charge of an object must be part of a divisible basic axiom.

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Q: What do you mean by quantisation of charge?
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What does quantisation of charge mean?

Quantisation of charge means that a charged body has charge q equal to the integral multiple of elementary electronic charge e i.e., q = ±ne, where n = 1, 2, 3,...... and e = 1.6 x 10^-19 C.

Summarize and interpret the experimental evidence for quantisation of charge?

Read - it does exactly that.

Why do we ignore quantisation of electric charge when dealing with macroscopic charges?

Macroscopic bodies have charges of the order µC=10^-6

What is quantisation of electric Field?

Quantisation of electric Field consists of discrete energy parcels, photons. Photons are massless particles of definite energy, definite momentum, and definite spin.

Why Q is used as symbol for charge?

charge means they considered some quantityAnswer:The letter Q is an arbitrary selection that was chosen, and has stuck. Just like the designation of Alpha, Beta, Gamma for various particles. It is an adopted convention.

Sampling frequency doubles then quantization noise?

quantisation noise decrease and quantization density remain same.

What is the quantisation?

When we go to a hotel there we claim to bring two iddlies (ie one plate) or four iddlies. We cannot order for 2.5 iddlie or 4.2 iddlies. It is not allowed. This is what we call quantisation of iddlie. Same way nature has quantized the electric charge to be of a least value 1.602 x 10-19 C. It is denoted by the symbol 'e' which is the first letter of the word 'elementary'. Hence the charge of a body will be an integral multiple of this elementary charge and so q = n e, here n is an integer. There by proton has one +e and an electron has one -e. In case of sodium atom there are 11 protons in the nucleus and 11 electrons outside of the nucleus. Hence the algebraic sum of the charges in this case of sodium atom becomes +11-11 = 0. Hence neutral.

What does fs charge mean?

FS charge

What does a charge disposed mean?

dismissed charge

Why do you get a staircase output in the quantization process of Pulse Code Modulation?

quantisation is the assigning the signal amplitudes to some levels,if amplitude is 4.8 we treat it as 5 and when it is 3.1 the output value is 3 thus we are assigning the amplitude to some reference levels thus corresponds to different amplitudes we get different quantisation output hence we get staircase signal

Does Xbox need charge?

if u mean charge as in charge the 360 itself then no if u mean charge as in charge the controller then i can tell u that there is rechargeable battery kits sold at most stores and finally if u mean charge as in they charge u annually then it is a no unless u have x box live

What is the charge of a netron?

assuming you mean a "neutron" - it has no electrical charge.