

What do you need for a horse?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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You need:
A paddock, large, clean, well fenced.
Shelter - a stall or stable, or a good quality shed. Somewhere to store the horse's equipment and where it can go if it is cold, windy or raining.
Tack - saddle, bridle, bits, halter, saddle cloth, rug etc.
Horse feed - you'll need hay and if you're intending to ride the horse, concentrates.
Company - horses don't like to be kept alone. Keep two horses, or keep it at a stable or agistment facility where there are other horses. If you cannot have another horse, keep it with sheep, cattle or goats.
Money - costs of feed, shoing and vet care are ongoing and they aren't cheap. Buying the horse will cost about two thousand dollars and you will need plenty to look after it.
I'm going to give you a more thorough answer.
You need to give him a stable to stay in. You should, or your stable should, feed him twice a day, bathe him in the summer, groom him once a day or once every other day, and give him a place to run around outside or exercise him.
As well, you should pay for a farrier, a vet, and maybe a trainer or equine dentist.
Farrier- a person who shoes horses and clips their "toes". Even if your horse can live without shoes, a farrier must visit to trim his hooves so that his movements, his joints, and his bones do not deteriorate.
Veterinarian- Basically, a doctor for horses. It should be obvious why you need him/her.
Trainer- If your horse is 'green' (inexperienced/untrained), then you need a trainer to train him to the point where you or someone else can ride him or do something else productive with him (show him in halter classes, drive him, or even just to perfect him tempermant)
Equine Dentist- Some veterinarians also do this job, but many people are relying on trained specialists to deal with this. The equine dentist files down horses teeth so that do not become pointed due to eating grain. If a horse's teeth become pointed, then he/she will not be able to eat as much and could lose weight, and if not cared for, could die of malnutrition.
I know this is a lot to take in, but owning a horse is a large responsibility.

Also, after all of this, you must keep in mind some other things...
Deworming- Horses are very very susceptible to different parasites. Deworming them makes it so that they do not pick up these parasites, and if they have them, this will kill them off. You need to deworm your horse approximately every three months or so.
Shots- Horses, especially older ones, can bring in a range of shots. To get more into this, if you plan on buying a horse, talk to your veterinarian, or the person who runs your boarding barn (if applicable)

Extras: Horses are expensive. Ive composed a list of materials you will need to ride your horse, just basic riding (trail riding, ring riding).
- Bridle (including reins, bit, actual bridle piece)
- Saddle (Including girth, stirrups, and girth cover if applicable)
- Saddle Pad
- Halter (Don't turn the horse out with it unless it's a specific "break-away" halter!)
-Lead Rope (Never drag on the ground. Just don't!)

Not to mention the odds and ends (just a few here, there are many more...)
- fly spray for summer - a crop if necessary - grooming supplies (there are many more, but these are the bare essentials)
- Hard brush
- Soft brush

- Hoof Pick
- Face Brush
- Curry comb
- blanket for winter
- Wraps and first aid for "just in case" situations

For yourself, if you don't already own (I hope you do. Don't ever get into buying horses unless you have ridden. It just isn't smart.)

- Breeches or Riding Pants of some sort
- Helmet (not necessary everywhere, but I believe all riders should wear one for their own safety)
- Riding boots

Horses are a very large responsibility. Please be safe and don't buy a horse unless you are extremely sure that you are ready.
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14y ago
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12y ago

There is an unlimited list of what you may need for a horse but this is what you will need to start of with:

bridle,reins and bit

saddle,leathers,stirrups etc

saddle cloth, pad (optional)

rugs (optional)

sprays (fly spray grooming spray etc)

hoof oil (optional)

grooming kit including: body brush,dandy brush,mane and tail brush,soft brush,curry comb and hoof pick.

2 feed buckets

headcollar or halter and leadrope


feed (if needed)

salt licks (optional)

boots (travel boots,brush boots,over reach boots) optional.

shampoos conditioners

feed suplements (



riding hat

gloves (optional)

riding boots

show jackets (optional)

whips (if needed)

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12y ago

well first of all accomidation for it eg. stable, field, as for equipment, summer sheet, fleece rug,fly rug if needed, winter turnout rug,stable rug, sweat rug, exercise sheet, headcollar, leadrope, fly frindge, muzzle just incase, bridle, a martingale if needed, a bit, a whip, a saddle,numnah or saddlecloth, girth, stirrup irons, stirrup leathers,some horse boots, bandages, body brush, dandy brush, metal plastic and rubber curry combs, hoof pick, sweat scraper, tack and grooming kit box and that's roughly it hope this helps:)

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11y ago

The basic requirements for a horse's health are clean water, clean hay or grass sufficient to maintain body condition and a pasture or place to run around in. Most people choose to keep their horses in a stable, where they spend most nights in a 12' by 12' stall, but then allow their horses to run around a pasture or paddock during the day. Stabled horses need a water bucket or trough and a feed bucket if you are providing grain.

If you want to actually handle the horse, you will need a properly fitted halter and a lead rope.

To ride a horse, you need a properly fitted bridle, usually with a bit, a saddle pad and a saddle. The exact style will vary depending on how the horse was trained to be ridden.
It really depends. But the general basics are

1. Food. Hay is a good direction to go. Having grass available at all times is a good idea, and if desired a small amount of oats, or grain can be given at meal times.

2. Space. Keeping your horse in a pasture with a run-in barn is a good idea. But if you have a stable, make sure he's not in a stall all day. He'll go crazy. It's like you being stuck in a plain room with nothing to do. Also, if you don't turn your horse out in a pasture or ride him lots, being bored in a stall all day can lead to bad habits like kicking or cribbing. But if he has to, at least get him a horse toy or companion.

3. Shelter. This isn't absolutely required, but you wouldn't want to be wet and cold in the rain. Give him a barn that's big enough for him to walk in, turn around, and walk out.

4. Other horses. It's like you not seeing any other human beings all your life. If you can't get another companion horse or pony, goats, donkeys, or mules would work too, but horses really prefer to be in the company of other horses. If you absolutely can't get a buddy for him, be out there with him a lot. Groom him and let him know you love and care about him.

5. Working equipment. At the very least, a working halter and a grooming kit. If you ride get some tack that fits your horse and if you compete, a good trailer really helps.

6. Time. Horses need to be groomed every day, fed every day, watered every day, you get the picture. Plus doing this stuff builds a bond between the two of you.

7. Money. Between hay, a barn, grain, equipment, horses are expensive.

8. Experience. If you've never owned a horse before, have an experienced adult help you find one that suits your level.

9. Love. Enjoy being with your horse! Have fun! And overall, take good care of him. All horses deserve to have a loving home.

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14y ago

Horses are a high end, high maintainence animal. Meaning they are expensive and labor intensive. A horse needs shelter, good feed, clean water and free choice salt, vet care, foot care and daily attention. This type of responsibility should not be taken on by a child that is too young. If under 12 years old family members will probably be needed to help out and oversee the routine care of the horse.

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12y ago

horses need equipment that can occur in the wild as well which includes a shelter, grain once in a while, hay, a grazing area, a companion, and an area to run around like a field or a meadow of some sort .

-love Sarah:D

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10y ago

The main supply is land or an area for the horse to exercise and walk around. The horse also needs a house, or stable. You also need food, hay and molasses. If you want to ride your horse you'll need a saddle, bridle, helmet and blanket.

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13y ago

you need a new you

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