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It turns red as acid changes blue litmus to red.

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Q: What do you observe when you dip blue litmus paper into solution with pH lees than 7?
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How do you observe the changing colour of litmus paper?

Dip the litmus paper into the solution you are testing. Hold it up in the air, holding the dry bit. Look at the bit you dipped. If the solution was an acid, red litmus will stay red, blue litmus will turn red. If the solution was an alkali, red litmus will turn blue, blue litmus will stay red. If the solution was neutral, red litmus will stay red, blue litmus will stay blue.

In a basic solution what color does litmus paper turn?

Litmus paper turns blue in basic solution.

Why do you need to test solutions with Blue litmus paper and red litmus paper?

So you can tell if the solution is an acid or a base

What happens when blue litmus paper is dipped in vinegar solution?

Blue litmus paper turns into red.

What is lithmus paper?

it is litmus not lithmus . it is a natural indicator . it is a strip of paper either red or blue in colour . it is used whether a solution is acidic or basic in nature. a basic solution turns red litmus to blue and an acidic solution turns blue litmus into red

What does litmus paper turn into when you put some basic solutions in?

Red litmus paper turns blue in a basic solution. There is no effect on blue litmus paper.

What do acids and bases do to litmus paper?

An acidic solution will change blue litmus paper to red and basic solutions change red litmus paper to blue

What gas turns blue litmus paper red?

An acid solution turns blue litmus red.

What happened to blue litmus paper when ammonia solution?


What color is litmus paper when dipped into an alkaline solution?

blue litmus remains blue while red litmus changes to blue

Which litmus paper turns blue in acid solution?

Litmus paper is basically used to test nature of solution i.e acid or alkaline. For acid blue litmus turns to red. But for alkaline red litmus turns to blue color.

What is the color change of liquid soap on litmus paper?

soap is basic therfore, soap solution will keep blue litmus paper blue and turn red litmus paper blue