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My step dad brought back snails from a warm state to Missouri a cold state an we placed them in a plastic container with water an brown paper. They have survived for about month so far.

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Q: What do you put at the bottom of a snails cage?
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Can 2 snails be in 1 cage?

yes 2 snails may be in one cage... (just do not put salt on them..... (= ...........)

What do you do when your snails keeps running away?

You can put golden tape around the cage and or aroung the garden so they dont leave. Why? because snails are scared of golden tape. they feel it is their predator, or their enemy. If you want to keep snails out of your garden use these tips.

What do you put in a big painted turtles cage?

rocks,gravle on the bottom and lots of water.

What can you keep a snail in if its a pet?

You can keep it in a fish tank with no water and at the bottom put 5 inches of dirt in then put apples, carrots, lettuce, and grass at the bottom also. Then put the snail in. Moisturize the cage 2 times a day for the snail. only use rain water to moisterize the the enclosure. If your snail eats it fast make sure that you have lots more food in. Also clean the enclosure out 2 times a week. I hope this helps. I know this because I own 3 snails and I am breeding them now. Please E-mail me if you have any more questions about snails.

Can you put grass in a hermit crab cage?

no, hermit crabs live at the beach so it is not part of their natural environment. I suggest putting sand or coconut fiber in the bottom of the cage.

How do you take care of very small black snails?

First you boil then to insure all the bacteria is gone then you put them in a cage with large holes so they can breathe and feed them strawberries.

My fish has been sitting at the bottom of the cage for a day now what is wrong with my fish and what can I do to help?

if you have your fish in a cage the water has probably drained out and he is deceased, you must always put fish in an aquarium

Can i put a heat lamp for my leopard gecko's heat source?

Yes you can, however if you have a heat lamp you should get a heat mat (for under the cage) so he/she can have heat at the top and bottom of the cage.

Where can you keep your hamster when you are not here?

in its cage i say. i have a hamster and i have to go to school, i feed him in the morning and i leave him in his cage, when i come back i put him into his exercise ball , and then i feed him again.

How do water snails stay under water?

Water snails have heavy shells that help keep them on the bottom.

Which Cage Is Right For A short haired hamster?

A wire cage with a plastic bottom.

Can i put my shihtzu in a cage?

Yes, you can put your Shih Tzu in a cage provided that the cage is big enough to accommodate it.