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a heating pad

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Q: What do you put on a pulled muscle?
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What is a pulled and strained muscle?

what is a pulled muscle

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

How long do you put ice on a pulled muscle?

Every time you pull a muscle, it stretches it so it will hurt. Putting ice on it will help the muscles go back into its former position. You should put ice on your injured leg evey time you pull it, but it really depends on how much you have pulled it to determine whether or not to put ice on it.

How can you use the word muscle in a sentence?

that man pulled a muscle

What is a strained muscle?

it is when a tendon or ligament is pulled it is when a tendon or ligament is pulled

Should you stretch a pulled muscle?


What are signs and symptoms for a pulled muscle?

Generally, you'll feel and aching, twinging or throbbing pain in the area of the pulled muscle and it will hurt more when you flex said muscle.

What is a strain like a muscle strain?

A strain is when you tear the muscle tissue slightly by over-stretching it. They occur when you put too much stress on the muscle - for example, by trying to lift something too heavy or by twisting too far.

How do you fix a pulled muscle in 2 hours?

First put some ice on it. Then you should take a bath in warm water and epsom salt. Then take some pain reliever, then stretch the muscle.

What is the most commonly pulled muscle?


What is a problem in the Musclar system?

To have a pulled muscle.

What happened when you pulled on one of the arm muscles of the chicken wing?

the muscle gets pulled