

What do you say after an intuition in Mass has been said?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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You need to either correct your spelling or explain to me what 'intuition' in Mass means

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Q: What do you say after an intuition in Mass has been said?
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The same, intuition.

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When you say mass is up to you. As long as you say your mass prayers, that's all that matters. The church is flexible with mass.

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People say that women have a special intuition because in general, women seem to be more in touch with their feelings and emotions. Intuition is a myth.

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When you say mass is completely up to you. Church holds mass in the morning and sometimes in the evening. It's flexible.

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i would say that by intuition this could have been framed ! also something that could not be proved but found to be true is called a law it is not correct to ask the proof of a law!

Why do they say the Mass has begun instead of the Mass has ended when ending a Catholic Mass?

You must be thinking of the Latin Ite missa est from the old Tridentine formula. I believe this means Go, you are dismissed. Go the mass has begun is not said at the end of the vernacular mass, either.

Is it I alway say or I have always said?

First, the word is always, never alway. It is correct to say either "I always say" or "I have always said". "I have always said" suggests that you have been saying this over a long time.Examples:In job interviews, I always say that I like a challenge.I have always said that if you are prepared, there is no reason to be nervous.

Does a woman's intuition tell her that a man is trying to ask her for a date?

This is all on the woman. If you feel someone wants to ask you out, they may or may not. Though..I shouldn't say it's all on the woman's intuition..because it could be the man too. Say, perhaps, he wants to ask you out BUT he's too afraid. Or maybe he thinks you'll say no. So basically, woman's intuition is always correct. It just might not turn out how expected. I hope everything happens the way you want it to though!