

Best Answer

It depends on a lot of things such as: the reason you all broke up in the first place, how long you've been broken up, and if either of you all are currently in relationship with someone else.

There's a reason for everything, so make sure you consider those questions above before you give your ex an answer.



This is a very difficult question. It depends on what happened in the relationship to begin with. This has just recently happened to me. My "ex" told me he wanted me back after I broke up with him. I also wanted him back. He was scared of getting broken again. But when you fight hard enough anything can happen. Now we are together and our relationship is stronger then ever. If you chose to take this person back make sure you want them back also. Don't jump into anything your not sure about. If you need to think tell this person you need time. And If they love you enough that person will wait.


Exes are exes for a reason, he is most probably lonely and realises what a bad mistake losing you was. If what he did in the first place is unforgivable, don't even consider getting back with him. But if you feel that there could be something there, then yes, why not.


Don't go back out with him because things will still be the same. Nothing will really change; trust me, not unless you're still truly in love with him. He just wants you back to use you. There are millions of guys out there, if he leaves you.

Forget him, you'll find someone much better.


Those are both true, but not always correct. My father broke up with my Mother, and he dated a bunch of other girls until she started dating. That is when he realized that he made a huge mistake and still loved her. They have been happily married for 27 years. It won't ever be the same carefree relationship you had before. It's completely up to you. Do you still love him? Do you never want to see him again? When you answer these questions, then you will have your answer. But if you still like them and you feel that you could make it work I suggest you take another chance, but it all depends on if you still love him. If you also still feel something for him, then why not. Really the only thing that you can do is ask yourself if you miss him. And if not, then don't even think of going back to him. It wouldn't be worth the pain you once went through. So it just comes down to if you miss him go back to him. If you don't, then forget him and move on with your life. You have the rest of your life to find a guy who you truly love and truly want to be with. Also think about whether or not it was a healthy relationship. You shouldn't get back if you never were happy with him or if he was abusive, whether physically or verbally. But if it was just you were having small issues, then you should see a marriage counsellor if you want to get back together and find out how to get along. All you have to do is move on! You have to know how you feel about him; do you still love him too? Think about how things might go if you get back together and ask him why does he love you? What are the things that make him love you or is it just for sex? You need to know what you want; if he was the one who stuffed up then you should make up your mind if you want him or move on. You should first decide if you feel the same way and then think about why you two broke up in the first place. It really depends on if you still feel anything for your ex.

If you do, and you think that there might be a chance for the relationship, then go ahead and give it another chance. If you think about it than you should give him one more chance and if he screws it up then move on. You should honestly just follow your heart this is your decision and no one can really decide what you should do but you. While we were dating he always said he loved me with all his heart and we were gonna get married some day, and we talked about our future non-stop. But he kissed another girl one time and I broke up with him, but he still wants me back even though its been 2 years. I still love him with all my heart. He talks to other girls, to get me off his mind he says. and i would probably date him again if i didn't have a boyfriend. But all in all, it really depends on the reason you guys broke up. Never go back to an ex if they've treated you awfully or physically abused you. I've had it and now mine is being a total moron and denying it all First of all if he's abused you in any way never go back. Now if he wants you back and you still love him go back, if you don't then tell him you don't feel the same way and to leave you alone.


It depends on many factors: - the reason why you parted - if you still love him - if you want him back... If it is my decision to part and I don't wanna be with this guy, nothing can make me be with him again. If I love him and our parting was just a mistake, why not accepting the man you love back? Though in some cases it's good to get on his nerves a bit and refuse at first - so that it could not happen again. Okay; this happened to me too. I was dating this guy and my ex- boyfriend told me he still loved me and wanted to get back together. I told my best friend immediately, and she helped me get through it. She really helped me out; she told me to compare which one treated me better; which one talked to me more; which one was completely comfortable around me; and that helped me make a decision. I verbally abused my ex. I miss the good times, the companionship, her pampering me. But I got nothing going on in my life and were really unhappy and fought most of the time. Life is short, this love feeling will pass. You just gotta hold onto the emotional bars for dear life and weather out the storm. Time doesn't heal wounds, knowledge heals wounds. The more you know, hear and understand, the better you'll know that you're better off without him/her.

Think: Do you really want to go back that way. Once your on track it's hard to go back. You never know. What broke you guys up in the first place might just happen again.

Look back:

If you look back at the relationship, think of the good things that it brought to your life and how enjoyable it was. Then think of the not so great, heartbreaking, and horrible things that it has brought upon your life. Which one overrides the other? If the bad takes over it's most likely not a good idea to go back. You shouldn't live with someone who will make you miserable for more than half your life.

Think again:

Are you sure that person is the one? You think they are perfect, but could there be better? Can you see yourself together for life? A bond and a commitment? Think ahead not just in the present or past. Remember, you might think you've found the perfect one. But, there are more fish in the sea than you think there are. You just have to find the right one.

I wouldn't go back with the ex if things didn't work out the first time then they wouldn't work out the second time. Sometimes it does work but other times it doesn't.


Obviously he did something to make you guys break up right. He probably realized he's an idiot and wants you back. Second chances don't really matter because the truth is people never change. They might stop doing something for a while but they'll always go back to their ways. It's honestly not worth it because, chances are, he's going to hurt you. Again!!

The questions that you need to ask are: 1. Do you want him back? 2. Do you still love him? 3. Do you think he will hurt you again?

OK I am a guy that has had a lot of bad relationships I think that almost every relationship I have been has ended with either having to deal with my girlfriends ex and of course they want to fight because they think they still rule her and I don't know why but they're always at their ex's side. In my most recent relationship we had been going out for about 6 months and the ex starts calling her again and I told her not to talk to him or I would leave. I had that stuff happen to me too many times to have it happen again. They all say they still want to be with me "but they would rather be with there ex". But of course they don't say that and I have come to realise that I will never get back with them. Because it will never work if it didn't work the first time.


This exact thing happened to me. This may sound unhealthy or something, but when we broke up, I found someone else. My ex eventually found out and got jealous. He started talking to me and being very nice to me again. But I found out he didn't actually want ME, he just wanted a girlfriend. So I say DON'T FALL FOR IT! You may just get hurt all over again.


You should first ask yourself if you still love him. And before telling yourself that you do, make him prove to you that he wants to be with you. If he's willing to prove it and he isn't afraid to show you that he has changed, then you should give him another chance. This happened with me and an ex and now we're Married and have great communication skills.

Well, think about it and also think about why you two brokeup.. was what he did too strong for you to continue, or can you give him another chance. But before make sure that he isn't lying and that it comes from the heart!


It really depends on a lot of factors. The feelings you have for him, think to whether the relationship was worth it. He is your ex for a reason, so something obviously went wrong in the relationship. Think to yourself, could the same thing go wrong again? Am I willing to risk it? Was the relationship good for you, good for your time, good for your heart? Was he worth your love? Think of the good things about him and the bad things too. See if the good things are worth going through the bad things, if the good times you had are good enough to overrule the bad times. Whatever your situation may be, don't stoop yourself to a low level, don't get yourself back in a relationship that you don't want to be in, a relationship that isn't worth it, or one that you know isn't good for you. Make the right decision.


This is a very difficult dilemma you're in as of right now. My ex wants me back as well, after I dumped him. It seems as if he only wants me so he doesn't get teased by his friends and wants to be popular by being the boyfriend of quote: 'one of the most beautiful, smartest, awesome' girls in the school. I am just ignoring his attempts. But it depends on what he did and how he acts. Can you tell that he really means it when he says he loves you? And is what he did to cause the breakup forgivable. And the last but not least, actually, most vital questions are, do you want him back? Do you still love him? Will you both be able to put love into your relationship again. Have faith in yourself and whatever decision you make!

Heres my little intake.

Well thats a very hard choice to make, if you still like him, give him another chance but make sure it is not a mess about and you are both serious about going into a relationship, things like this can end in disaster.

Another point of view.

If you really like him you should go back with him. Whatever happens don't listen to your friends that pressure you for doing something wrong. It happend to me, I went back with him three times. It was good but then I got bored.

Ask yourself questions: Do you believe that a mature relationship and commited needs understanding of what one really feels and want going into the relationship? Do you feel honestly confident in your partner as a commited and self confident individual? Has your partner ever lived alone without a partner very long? Could your partner also be seeking a security for the sake of not being alone? Does your "partner" need or want? Does your partner and yourself really honestly know what you want? Do you feel that allowing" that behavior will allow him to continue similar patterns in the relationship if you accept that behavior and "take him back"? Start with those questions.


I had something like this happen to me. Think about why you broke up and see if it's worth it. Usually if you break up once, it will happen again. The boy that I really liked cheated on me and a year later he wouldn't leave me alone and said he wanted me back and still loves me and always has. I don't think that the hurt is worth it personally and you will find someone else. I'm sorry you're going through this.


My ex and I got together in 2006 then broke up 11 months after in 2007, we were apart until he unexpectedly come back in 2008 and we got back together, he didnt change at all so we broke it off. Its 2010 now and we still talk and we've both changed and its going much better now and although we are not together at present time, we still like each other and still have feelings for each other. If my ex and I work again one day, it will probably be the best decision I made because I stood by him through all his other relationships while we were not together and we trust each other and talk a lot more easily now.


Do what your heart tells you, ask your friends and talk about it.

Me and my boyfriend haven't been together very long but the story of how we got here is amazing. We met in high school and were on and off for 2 years then the last year we got together broke up after a week, then started meeting up and talking about me and him. We were talking about how i was scared of getting hurt and stuff. I'm glad we are together now cause were closer then ever. Just remember that if you can't go a day without thinking about him after going out, then you miss him. If you want him get him, if not don't. But believe me its worth it if you do.

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That would depend on how you feel towards them. If you are not interested in them anymore simply tell them how you feel and that its best they move on. If you are still interested talk about things and where your relationship should go from here.

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Usually, it means that they miss you. If you really do love them, and miss them, too, you're going to have to accept it. It might be hard, but maybe you should try getting together with them and talk about it. If it's not meant to be, you'll know with time.

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To lure you back in to a relationship.

An Ex is an EX for a reason.

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