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Q: What do you see when micro organisms start to grow on agar?
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Which laboratory tool is used for growing live specimens?

If you mean micro organisms than you want agar plates. This is a substance high in general nutrition that is used to grow microorganisms in a petri dish.

Why 7.5 percent sodium chloride agar is selective media?

Because 7.5% NaCl agar inhibits gram negative organisms from growing, and is "selective" in that only gram positive organisms can grow in this type of agar.

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Can Klebsiella pneumoniae grow on Mannitol salt agar?

No, K. pneumoniae will not grow on Mannitol Salt Agar- gram negative organisms cannot grow on MSA, and K. pneumoniae is gram negative.

The use of petri dish?

to grow micro organisms or to grow tissue cultures.

What fastidious organisms grow only on chocolate agar?

Most pathogenic organisms will grown on chocolate agar, it depends mostly on the incubation conditions i.e. temperature, presence/absence of oxygen etc. However there are some fastidious organisms that require certain growth factors to grow.

What is the composition of modified nutrient glucose agar media?

Modified nutrient glucose agar is composed of agar, water, glucose, extracts, peptone and sodium chloride. Modified nutrient glucose agar allows organisms to grow.

What types of organisms could grow on Endo agar?

Since Endo Agar selects for Gram negative (-) organisms, and differentiates for lactose, lactose += red colonies and surrounding medium, also coliforms produce a golden metallic green sheen, E. Coli is one example of a microorganism that could grow on Endo Agar.

Why is the nutrient agar used?

In Microbiology? Because the nutrient agar allows for the bacteria/organisms to grow in a controlled environment/substance. It also allows you to monitor the growth.

How does micro-organisms affect plant growth?

Micro-organisms affect plant growth they break down the system into smaller pieces which makes it grow fast

What micro organisms need to grow?

they need to grow in heat between 15 degrees-5 degrees