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Q: What do you suppose the living amoeba is moving toward or away from?
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An amoeba moving toward a food source is what?

Using a microscope, you observe an amoeba moving toward a food source. This is an example of responsiveness. Endocytosis produces a structure called a food vesicle.

What is the society which some forecasters say that the world is moving toward?

We are moving toward a cashless society.

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If something is being carried by westerlieswhat direction is it moving toward?

It is moving toward the east. westerly describes the direction the wind comes from

How does an amoeba get food?

it obtains food , which is that when a high consideration moves to a smaller considerationan amoeba gets food thorugh pseudopods, which form when cytoplams flows toward one location and the rest of the amoeba follows.amoeba obtains food by osmosis, which is that when a high consideration moves to a smaller consideration.

Describe how the Amoeba uses it pseudopodia?

Pseudopods are flowing extensions of the amoeba's cytoplasm, which the amoeba use to move around. They do this by stick a part of their cytoplasm outward to an open area, then the part will pull the rest of the amoeba toward it.

Objects that are moving away from us give off what light and objects that aremoving toward us gives what light?

Due to the doppler effect, objects moving toward us will be slightly more red than what they actually are, and objects moving away will be slightly more blue. Think of it like a siren coming toward you and moving away from you. If it is moving toward you, it will be slightly higher than what it really sounds like. If it is moving away it will have a slightly lower pitch.

What rhymes with moving forward?

Going toward

Why can't the earth be seen moving toward you when you jump up in the air?

you can't see it moving because your moving with it

In what direction is California moving?

California is slowly moving south, toward the Gulf of Mexico.

Are you moving toward a black hole?

Since we are always in motion and we have reason to believe that there are many black holes in the universe, there is bound to be one in the direction that we are moving. So, yes, I am moving toward a black hole. As are you.

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