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Q: What do you think a flight attendant does in a typical day?
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A person may have a Thai flight attendant if they are taking a flight to or from Thailand. A person may also have a Thai flight attendant because that is who was employed to work on that given day.

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I would want to work as a flight attendant (called a stewardess in my day!)

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i think they buy ice cream for everyone!

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A pilot will travel from airport to airport on a typical day of work, flying different planes on different routes. They may also have layovers in different airports where they rest and eat and sometimes sleep before their next flight.

What is the meaning of layover?

Layover--the bane of many a happy pilot/flight attendant marriage! Just kidding. A layover is a break during a multi-day sequence of trips generally for the purpose of crew rest.

How to Become a Flight Attendant?

The flight attendant career is highly sought after. The job provides great benefits, with free travel and paid expenses, and time spent in fun and exotic locales. People view the flight attendant job as glamorous and exciting because the job is travel itself, across the nation and even around the world. Applicants see glamour in the job, too, and many are drawn by it. Every day as a flight attendant is different and challenging. In the end, though, the flight attendant job is still a job, and as with any job, with this job come responsibilities and disappointments. Still, the job is very popular and the airlines are flooded with applicants. Applicants pursue the allure of the flight attendant lifestyle and the benefits provided to flight attendants. To become a flight attendant, an applicant must first meet the minimum requirements of the airline. All airlines require that applicants have at least a high school diploma, and most even prefer at least some college. Many flight attendants are college graduates, including even some with advanced degrees. It is not possible for an applicant to be over-educated, even if it is possible to be under-educated. With most airlines, there is no specific work experience that will be required of a flight attendant applicant. However, customer service experience is welcome and preferred. After all, the job of the flight attendant is essentially one of customer service. The flight attendant is the face of the airline and representing the airline to its customers, and through its flight attendants, airlines hope to put their best face forward. Physical requirements include weight in proportion to height, and vision that is at least correctable to 20/40. It is not only the thinnest or most beautiful applicant that is sought, but more the one that is fit and able to carry him or herself ably. There is no one perfect shape or size for a flight attendant. More, it is a matter of perfect presence of mind and perfect attendance to detail. There will be a drug screen at some point in the hiring process, as well as a physical examination to confirm fitness for work. An applicant must be well groomed, and must evidence good hygienic practices. The applicant must be willing to work nights, weekends, and holidays, and up to fourteen hours per day when required. Once an applicant reaches the interview stage, communication skills will be assessed, and the applicant will be expected to communicate well Submitting a resume for a flight attendant position now has become very simple. Most airlines maintain websites where applications can be filed online. Expect delay after applying. From application to hiring can take several months. With that in mind, do not apply to just a single airline. Instead, pick several that you would want to work for and apply to all simultaneously. Keep several balls in the air, and likely at least one will fall in your square.

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what migth have been typical day for him

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the typical day of a secratary is very challenging..

If a flight leaves Kuwait at 1030 Friday what day will the flight arrive in atlant GA?

it wouldn't take days....its about a 12-15 hour flight though (so about a day i think) trust me i have made that flight many times..... for reasons i would rather not say really it depends on the weather out and somewhat on the airport

What is a typical day of filmmaking?

There's no such thing as "typical day". That is why is so much fun.

What do you think is a typical day?

A typical day is a day where you follow your normal routine/scedule. Ex. Getting up, brushing your teeth, going to school, coming home, doing your hw, going to soccer practice...and so on. If one of the days you broke your leg, and went to the hospital, I wouldn't consider that a "typical day" because people don't usually break their legs everyday. It's what your normally do on a regular day to day basis.