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It is immoral to take my money and use it to pay for some one else's care. Yet, somehow, it is ok for the government to do this? I think not!

If I want to be generous and help some one out, I'll do it of my own FREE will, because we value FREEDOM in the country.

Where, in the Constitution, is there a right given for health care, or more to the point, where is the right to take my money and pay for your care?

And there you have it... "What's in it for me?" People who think of themselves first and only probably should live an isolated life and be totally self sufficient. It would seem they would be most happy if they were to be hermits.

One reason most of the rest of us choose to live together in a civilized society instead of as hermits is so we can benefit from pooling resources with each other. We don't each have to duplicate redundant services on our own, we can pool our money and get more individually by having a community that cooperates.

Then, I don't have to buy my own firetruck to park beside the one you had to buy, we can share resources and have only the number of firetrucks we need for all of us, so much fewer than it would take if we each had to have our own. There is economy of scale

that applies to community services and governed groups that combine forces and resources toward common needs.

It is more efficient for all of us and cheaper for all of us that way. When you belong to an organized community or country, everyone benefits. It won't happen all at the same time, so we can each have pooled our money toward services that will be ready to help us exactly when we need it. We contribute when we can, and withdraw when we must. In the end all will benefit over an alternative plan that does not have shared resources.

We don't have to struggle to keep up all services we may need on our individual incomes. I support the community police force with my taxes and so does everyone else in the community. I don't have to have my own police force or private security guard or hire my own first responders to keep on retainer to have them available immediately when I infrequently need them. While I'm not using the services, someone else may be. Next time, it might be me needing the services.

Universal healthcare makes the most sense to me for us all to have our medical needs covered with the lowest cost and to be able to get the service right when we need it, regardless of our individual economic status at the time we need it.

One needs only to look at other countries with a universal healthcare system in place. The costs of care are lower and the outcomes of the treatment are even better than the healthcare outcomes in the US with the current broken healthcare system that costs exorbitantly more. We pay more and are kept less healthy.

Universal healthcare is a win win situation all around. With this in mind, even if you only care about yourself, the end result is better for you with pooling and sharing than with standing alone.

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Q: What do you think about Universal Healthcare?
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The difference between Canadian healthcare and American healthcare is simple: Candian healthcare is universal (everyone receives it and pays for it through taxes) while American healthcare is privatized.

What is healthcare?

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He believes in universal and mandatory health insurance coverage for all citizens. As for actual health care, I think he realizes that it is too expensive in the US and that costs need to be contained. However, I do not think he has any plans to do anything about health care costs.

How do you feel about universal healthcare?

Sick and stupid beyond belief, it will do way more harm than help...