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Q: What do you think happens to the atomic radius as the number of shells are added to a nucleus and why?
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The atomic radius to the distance from the nucleus of an atom to?

The atomic radius is the distance from the nucleus of an atom to the outermost orbital of electron.

What happens to the atomic radius as the atomic number increases?

Going across a row in the peiodic table, the atoms have more protons and electrons causing a stronger attractive force, pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus, making the atomic radius decrease. As a new shell is added ( next row down) the atomic radius increases

Why does the atomic radius decreases as the atomic number increases?

The atomic radius decreases as the atomic number increases due to the fact that there is now a greater quantity of protons in the nucleus emitting greater intramolecular force, pulling the electrons closer towards it. This, thus, decreases the radius.

When the atomic number increases what happens to the atomic radius?

When an electron absorbs a photon and therefore has more energy, it will move to a higher orbital and the radius of the atom will increase. This is generally a temporary state of affairs, since the electron will eventually re-emit the photon and fall back to its ground state.

Why does the atomic radius decrease with an increase in atomic numbers within a period?

As the atomic number increases, the number of protons in the nucleus increases or the effective nuclear charge of the nucleus increases. As a result the force exerted by the nucleus on the valence electrons is more or the size of the atom is small.

What can you determine about an atom based on its Atomic Radius?

the further right you go on the periodic table, the atomic radius decreases. the further down you go on the periodic table, the atomic radius increases. you can determine where an atom is generally placed on the periodic table based on its atomic radius.

What happens to atomic radius as you move from bottom to top of the periodic table?

atomic radius decreases from bottom to top of the periodic table.

How does the atomic radius change from left to right in Groups 1 and 2?

The atomic radius increases from top to bottom in groups 1 and 2 of the modern periodic table. This happens because the number of energy shells increase and are occupied by the increasing number of electrons. As the subsequent shells are completed they are located further from the nucleus due to the decreasing force of attraction between nucleus and the electrons. This leads to an increase in atomic radius. == == Atomic radius is a result of the completion of orbitals as atoms get heavier by adding neutrons and protons to the nucleus. The larger nucleus can hold more electrons. The cloud of electrons determines the atomic radius. Each completed orbital (S,P,D or F) takes up room. The higher orbitals have a greater radius . Unlike the old Bohr theory of atoms (little electrons in orbits around the nucleus), the new probability distribution interpretation of the electrons leads to spherical or hourglass shaped volumes.

Measurement of an atom from the nucleus to the edge?

Atomic radius?

When you go left to right on the periodic table what happens to the atomic radius?

Yes. The atomic radius increases down the group. This is because number of shells increases down the group.

What is atomic center and atomic radius?

Atomic center is the center of the atom, also called as Nucleus. Atomic Radius is the distance between the center of the nucleus and outermost shell of the atom. It is nearly about 1.2 * 10-10 m.

What determine an atoms size?

The atomic radius depends on the the number of electron shells, total negative charge, positive charge of the nucleus, atomic mass.