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In response to the Northwest Ordinance in both its original and revised forms, Native Americans living in 'the western lands' (interpreted here as 'west of the Mississippi River') might have said two quite different things. For those without any previous interaction with European-Americans, the high-minded language and intentions of the Ordinance might have been praised as fair and reasonable, since it sought to establish harmonious interactions between White settlers and Native residents. For those with previous experience, the Ordinance may very well have been scorned, whether as nobly intentioned but naive or as cleverly deceptive.

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Q: What do you think the native american's living in the western lands would have said about the northwest ordinance explain your own answer?
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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided a plan for governing western territories. In contrast, the land ordinance of 1785 defined how the western territories would be sold to settlers.

What plan provided a governing western territories?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided a plan for governing western territories. In contrast, the land ordinance of 1785 defined how the western territories would be sold to settlers.

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It provided for the surveying and selling of the land

True or false The land ordinance of 1785 described how the northwest territory was to be governed?

False: Land Ordinance of 1785 described how the western territories was to be governed.