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Your food needs the saliva to help break it down for digestion. It also keeps food from sticking to teeth so much, also it will eventually make tooth decay. Without saliva, your mouth would become very dry, hard to swallow and. Lips would crack and eventually you get a sore throat. Certain medications makes "Dry mouth" as well as poor diet. Increase vitamin B-12 and Iron.

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The bad things in our mouth,and stomach will remain there an it can cause infections in our body

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Q: What do you think would happen if there was no saliva in the mouth?
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How does saliva help swollowing?

If you didn't have saliva think of how dry your mouth and throught would be.

What if salivary glands this did not work?

Well your mouth would be very dry, swallowing would hurt (saliva coats chewed up food, called a bolus, as you swallow it). Digestion of carbohydrates/starch normally begins in the mouth because of salivary amylase in the saliva; this would not happen if there was no saliva

Where would you find your saliva?

You will find saliva in your mouth as you have saliva glads there.

What will happen if saliva is not secreted by salivary glands?

The mouth would dry out completely, it would be impossible to talk and difficult to eat.

What would happen if you stopped producing saliva?

You would become very ill and would be unable to disinfect your mouth, moisten food, and couldn't convert glucose.

Would it be difficult to swallow without saliva in your mouth?

Yes it would... The saliva your mouth produces, provides 'lubrication' as the food is swallowed - making its transition to your stomach easier.

Does the nervous system shut down production due to dry mouth?

Yes. Dry mouth causes your nervous system to shut down porduction and can be equated to taking cyanide. I think what you meant to ask is "is dry mouth caused by saliva production being stopped?" And yes, if saliva production is stopped, you would suffer a dry mouth, but the converse of that, the question you asked, means you would have to suck on a wet sponge at times to avoid dry mouth.

Where in the mouth would saliva be produced?

Yes, of course it does! Its the white frothy stuff that is in your mouth. You need it to make food wet so it is easier for your stomach to digest it. It's from the salivary glands, not the mouth itself. And besides making food wet saliva contains amylase which begins the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Why you cant live without saliva?

I'm not positively certain - but if I would have to guess, I'd say it's obviously to keep your mouth moist and to help swallow food better - because I think it would be hard to swallow any kind of food with a dry mouth.

What would happen if your salivary glands did not secrete saliva?

If there is no saliva, then some of the food you eat will not break as easily into the nutrients your body needs.

Why can't you get DNA from stomach contents?

You would think that it would after putting something in your mouth saliva attaches to it. But the digestion system breaks all the components down and the hydrocloric acid destroys the remaining DNA samples.

What would happen it you swallowed others saliva?

Assuming they didn't have some sort of communicable disease then nothing would happen. If they did have a disease then you could possibly catch it