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Abuse refers to any situation where a persons human or legal rights are denied, restricted, refused, or curtailed. It can take many forms for example financial, sexual, psychological, physical or self-abuse.

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Q: What do you understand abuse?
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Allegations of abuse against the grandfather?

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Where can I get help to understand my daughter's alcohol abuse?

talk to frank on 0800 776 600 or online at

Why should anyone care about child abuse?

Because children lack the knowledge to keep themselves safe. If they don't understand what abuse is - they're unable to defend themselves (or report it to someone in authority).

Is gay abuse as bad as it used to be?

Yes, it will always be an issue. People who don't fully understand gay people will always have conflicts with them. The gay suicide rate is said to have risen due to abuse and bullying.

What do you understand by domestic violence?

This is violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

What do you understand by the term abuse?

The term abuse, when applied to a substance, means to use too much of it, become addicted to it, or use something for the wrong reasons. There is a debate as to how much recreational use of something equates to abuse. There are people who can drink socially without becoming alcoholics, and there are people who cannot. Abuse in general means to misuse or mistreat. Deliberately trying to harm a spouse, child, or animal is abuse.

Where is child abuse illegal?

Anywhere there is a child and someone who could abuse them but its most commonly found in the child's home.

How can you make someone understand that the information and buzz words that you have absorbed from reading books on abuse have not poisoned your brain but rather left you with a sense of validation?

if they dont understand they are ignorant and never will. give up and move on.

Is it right or wrong for people to abuse dogs?

Its very wrong to abuse dogs because dogs are mammals like people and they need love and need to be cared for too! It is wrong to hurt or abuse any living thing. If you need to ask that question you may have a problem. If you don't know it is wrong to abuse a dog then you should talk it over with a trusted friend or adult until you do understand why it is wrong.

How do you convince your non-abusive parent to see an abuse therapist with you?

You would first need to get them to understand that they are a victim too. They may assume that because they are not the abuser, that they don't need therapy. Also, they might not be aware as to how the abuse is affecting their child, or they might fear that they are playing a role in the abuse, and they don't want to be told they are contributing to you being abused.

Moi je ne comprend pas Merci bien de vous dire qu'est ce que tu ne veut pas dire conard. idiot imbécile je t'embrasse Manny?

literally: as for me I don't understand - thank you - to say you -what don't you want to say [abuse]. [abuse][abuse] I kiss you - Manny

Why did Keke Wyatt stab her husband?

Because she'd had enough of his abuse. A woman can only take so much before completely snapping. So I understand why she did what she did.