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What the employer is asking information about is what your experience is in his field. He really doesn't care if you have a doctorate in it, what he wants to know is can you do his job? And this is where you can do yourself the most good in securing the position. List of course your education in his field, and the related machinery. It does no good to your potential employer if you have a Master's in Business Administration and can't use the internet. Yes, I've seen this happen. So list the machinery you can operate in relation to the position, including the computer applications. List where you have been employed before this opening, including your current job if any. Remember it is always easier to get another job than to be unemployed and looking. Also talk up any outstanding achievements (i.e. "I made 12 major contracts for Z company within the space of four months"), but be prepared to offer documentation...names, contacts, etc. Talk is cheap, and employers do investigate sooner or later. Finally, if you have limited experience, say so! List your expertise, but talk up the potential for learning new skills with the new company. Frequently, newer employees will be chosen over more experience simply because the employer sees the new person as trainable. This can be a back sided plus for you. Remember always tell the truth. That way you don't have to remember what lies you told.

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Q: What do you write when a job application asks to describe your professional experience?
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