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Q: What document first guaranteed the freedom of the press in Virginia?
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What document written b y george masongave all virginians freedom of religion?

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, written by George Mason, guaranteed freedom of religion to all Virginians and later served as the inspiration for the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It was adopted in 1786 and is considered a landmark in the history of religious freedom in America.

Is Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution?

The first amendment of the constitution does guarantee the freedom of religion.

What freedom is not guaranteed as a right in the first amendment?

Freedom of speech

What is one right freedom guaranteed by the first amendment?

freedom of speech

In what document is the freedom of religion guaranteed?

For the USA, the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution (although only the first eight amendments deal with specific individual rights).

What document states that all Virginians have certain rights including freedom of religion and freedom of speech?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason in 1776, is the document that states that all Virginians have certain rights including freedom of religion and freedom of speech. It served as a model for the later United States Bill of Rights.

Name one right guaranteed by the first amendmant?

Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Petition Freedom of Religion

What right is not guaranteed by the first amendment?

Anything but the following: The Freedom of Speech The Freedom of Press The Freedom of Assembly The Freedom of Religion The Freedom to Petition

What rights are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to petition, freedom to assemble,

Freedom of speech press assembly and petition are guaranteed by the?

The first amendment

What year was the Virginia statute for religious freedom written?

The Virginia Statue of Religious Freedomwas drafted in 1777. The document was first introduced into the Virginia General Assembly until1779.

What are three First Amendment freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?

There are 5 freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.The Freedom of SpeechThe Freedom of PressThe Freedom of AssemblyThe Freedom of PetitionThe Freedom of Religion