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Emancipation Proclomation (the 13th amendment)

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4d ago

The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, declared all slaves in Confederate-held territory to be legally free. This marked a significant step towards abolishing slavery in the United States.

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Q: What document gave freedom to all slaves?
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What happen to slaves when they run away?

When slaves ran away, they risked severe punishment if caught, such as whipping or even death. Slaves who successfully escaped often had to navigate difficult terrain and avoid capture while seeking freedom in the North or Canada via the Underground Railroad. Many found refuge and freedom in these locations, but the journey was dangerous and challenging.

How long did slaves have to be slaves?

Slaves in the United States typically remained enslaved until they were freed by emancipation or through escape, purchase of their freedom, or being granted freedom by their owner. The length of time varied greatly depending on individual circumstances and the laws in place.

Should slaves that escaped be returned to their owners why or why not?

No, escaped slaves should not be returned to their owners. Slavery is a violation of basic human rights and freedom, and individuals have the right to seek freedom from such oppression. Returning escaped slaves would perpetuate the cycle of exploitation and deny them their right to autonomy and self-determination.

What were some ways that whites and blacks worked together to ensure freedom of the slaves?

Whites and blacks worked together in various ways, such as participating in the Underground Railroad to help slaves escape to free states, collaborating in abolitionist organizations to advocate for the end of slavery, and forming alliances in the fight against segregation and discrimination during the Civil Rights Movement. These collaborations were key in challenging oppressive systems and advancing the cause of freedom for slaves and civil rights for all.

What kinds of slaves ran away?

All types of slaves ran away, including domestic servants, field workers, craftsmen, and skilled laborers. Slaves often sought freedom to escape harsh conditions, cruel treatment, and exploitation by their owners. Some slaves also ran away to reunite with family members or seek better opportunities for themselves.

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What was the name of the document that Abraham Lincoln that gave all slaves owned by southern states their freedom?

The Emancipation Proclaimation

Abraham Lincoln signed a paper that gave all slaves?


What did harriet Tubman give?

She gave freedom to the slaves and she gave all enslaved African Americans a way to get out of slavery

What did all slaves have in common?

All slaves served their masters for their masters' or their life. Different cultural angles such as America ,gave the owner freedom to release slaves whenever wanted.

Does the 13th amendment give slaves freedom?

Well it stated that slavery couldn't be done anymore and that slaves could no longer be kept. Also it says that all men and women are equal even by the race and color of skin. -Camilla F.

What is the conflict of harriet Tubman conductor of the railroad?

Leading slaves into freedom.

How were the slaves freedom denied?

The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

How did William Penn plan for religious freedom and self- government?

he did this in Pennsylvania which he founded as part of his holy expirament. he gave all people religious freedom in his constitutions.

What does emancipation proclamatiob do?

The emancipation proclamation gave all slaves still living in slave states their freedom. It was issued in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln.

What is something all slaves got from president Lincoln?

some that all slaves got was freedom

What did Thomas Jefferson do with his most prized possessions?

Thomas Jefferson gave almost all of his most prized possessions to friends and the University of Virginia. His land was given to a grandson. He also gave freedom to his two remaining slaves.

What date and year did Slaves get there freedom in America?

The Emancipation Proclamation, written by President Abraham Lincoln, gave slaves their freedom in American on January 1st, 1863. This was only applicable to slaves under control of the then-Confederate government, and had no effect, as the Southerners would not listen to what they believed to be "foreign" laws. Universal emancipation came in the form of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, granting all persons freedom, on January 31st, 1865.