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Q: What document states that have slaves are not citizens?
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How did the new fugitive slave act deal with the issue of slavery?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state. It gave slaveowners the ability to pursue their escaped slaves into free states and mandated that citizens help in the capture and return of runaway slaves. This law heightened tensions between states supporting and opposing slavery, contributing to the lead-up to the Civil War.

This amendment allowed the newly freed slaves to?

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, granting freedom to the newly freed slaves.

What is true about the fugitive slave act adopted in 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was a law that required all citizens to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves to their owners. It denied fugitive slaves the right to a trial by jury and increased penalties for helping escaped slaves. The act was controversial and fueled tensions between abolitionists and supporters of slavery in the United States.

Did the fugitive slave act allow slave hunters to retrieve slaves from Massachusetts?

Yes, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 empowered slave hunters to retrieve escaped slaves from free states like Massachusetts and return them to their owners in slaveholding states. The law required citizens and law enforcement officials in free states to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves, leading to increased tensions and resistance in these states.

What did the fugitive slave act of 1850 require?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were caught in free states. It mandated citizens to assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves, and imposed fines or imprisonment on those who aided escaped slaves.

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What document states that slaves are not citizens?

The dred scott decision

What document freed the slaves in the states rebelling against the union?

The Obama document

What document states that slaves are not US citizens?

The US Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case decision of 1857 contains the 50 pages opinion of Chief Justice Taney. In the document he states that Blacks cannot be citizens because they are Blacks and that slavery was constitutional. The latter was the fault of the Framers of the US Constitution who allowed it in order for the slave states to ratify the constitution.

What was the emancipation proclimaton?

The document freeing slaves in the states in rebellion.

Who could be citizens of greek states?

men that weren't slaves.

What document freed all the slaves in confederate states?

The Emancipation Proclamation

What document freed all slaves living in confedrate states?

The Emancipation Proclamation.

What document freed slaves from rebelling against the union?

I think you may be a little confused. The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves that were in areas that were- AT THAT TIME- in rebellion against the Union. Not the slaves rebelling, but the states or parts of states where slaves lived,

What was the northern states viewpoint on counting slaves for the purpose of representation in Congress?

Northern states opposed it, Southern States were in favor. Finally they compromised, and agreed that 5 slaves would be counted as 3 citizens.

What do all city-states have?

A defined territory, a central fortification (acropolis), a city, citizens, slaves.

Was every person living in the US in that collective we in the constitution?

"We the People" refers to all citizens of the United States. However, in 1789 slaves were not included in this statement.

What is the emancipation proclaimation?

Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was a document which symbolically freed slaves in the United States.