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Q: What documents explain why it was time for the colonies to separate from Britain?
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Related questions

What was purpose of the declaration of independence?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonies needed to separate from Britain. To declare Independence from England.

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence .?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonies needed to separate from Britain. To declare Independence from England.

Why did the colonies sign the Declaration of Independence?

to announce and explain separation from great Britain

What was the pourpose of the Declaration of Independence?

The purpose was to explain why the colonies ought to be free from Great Britain.

What was the main purpose of th Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare independence from Great Britain and declare the United States of America a separate country. Signed on July 4, 1776, it is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States

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What reasons does Jefferson give to support his premise that the US should break away from Great Britain?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson did explain why the colonies should break away from Great Britain. He created the document, Declaration of Independance, that stated that the American colonies had the right to break away from Great Britain.

Did the declaration of independence explain why the colonies broke away from great Britain?

Yep, it was our declaration of independence from Great Britain with our reasons why printed on it, that's why it's called the Declaration of Independence.

What is the purpose of Jefferson's introduction to the Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonies needed to separate from Britain. To declare Independence from England.

What were the goals of the declaration of independence?

The purpose was to let the world know that the American colonies were now independent of Britain and to explain why they were justified in revolting from their former king.

Explain the way in which England applied the principles of mercantilism to its Caribbean and North American colonies?

Britain sought to increase its wealth by making use of its colonies. Mercantilism forced the colonies to trade solely with Britain and before they could sell natural resource products such as tobacco and sugar, it first needed to be shipped to England to be taxed even before being sold. The system was set up solely to economically benefit the Mother Country, not the colonies.

What words tell you that the colonists are telling the reasons for the declaring their independence?

In the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, the writers explain that in order to separate from a state, one must state the reasons for doing so, which prepares the reader to hear the colonist's reasons for separating from Britain. At the end of the Declaration, they state that the colonies should be free and independent and explain the terms of complete independence from Britain.