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She learns how to sing.

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Q: What does ''Ella aprende a cantar'' means in English?
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How do you say she loves to sing in spanish?

Ella ama cantar.

How do you say in English ella posee?

That means "she has".

How do you say can't sing in spanish?

No se cantar = I can't sing Tu no sabes cantar = you (singular, informal) can't sing El/ella/usted no sabe cantar = He/she/you(singular, formal) can't sing Nosotros no sabemos cantar = We can't sing Vosotros no sabeis cantar = You (plural, informal) can't sing Ellos/ellas/ustedes no saben cantar = They (masculine/feminine)/you (plural, formal) can't sing.

How do you say she sings dances and acts in spanish?

Bailar y cantar.

How do you say she likes to do it in Spanish?

A ella le gusta.... Examples: A ella le gusta bailar (she likes to dance) A ella le gusta cantar (she likes to sing) A ella le gusta jugar al fútbol (she likes to play soccer)

What is Ella es muy peligroso in English?

It should be "Ella es muy peligrosa" it means "she is very dangerous"

How do you say who likes to sing in spanish?

¿A quién le gusta cantar?*In Spanish, you always must place an accent upon the questions beginning with:¿quién...?¿quiénes?¿qué?¿cómo?¿cuál / cuáles?¿cuánto / cuántos / cuánta / cuántas?¿por qué?These words even carry an accent when they are indirect questions or exclamations.

How do you say ella tiene sed in English?

It means she is thirsty. Literally translates to "She has thirst."

What does Ella es de Guatemala mean in English?

It means, "She's from Guatemala."

What does Ella es doctora mean in English?

Well, first of all, it should be "ella es una doctora" and it means "she is a doctor."

What does ella lleva vestido Amarillo mean in English?

It means She is wearing a yellow dress.

What does de qué país es ella mean in English?

It means "What country is she from?" Literally, "From what country is she?"