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It gives me joy to know that you are near.

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Q: What does 'Ya me da Alegria saber que estas cerca' mean?
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Está cerca means "It is close".

What does Cuando estas en este cuarto mean?

people ask questions ,but don't show or say the whole means.."when you are in this room"...blank (ei) cuando estas en este cuarto mi vida se llena de alegria...when you are in this ROM my whole life fills with joy........can you digg it???

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means- near!

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What does que estas diciendo mean?

"Que estas diciendo" means "What are you saying?".

What does this mean Y como estas?

"y como estas" in English is: "And how are you?"

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"estas son tuyas?" it means: "are these yours?"

What does alegria mean in Portuguese?

In English I think you mean... It means happiness